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Breaking the Cycle of Continued Evolution Education Controversy: On the Need to Strengthen Elementary Level Teaching of Evolution


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Evolution education in the United States is a contentious issue as evidenced by the low number of Americans who accept evolution. Miller et al. (2006) reported on survey results indicating that, compared to European countries, America was second to last in acceptance of evolution. Given such a low acceptance rate, it logically follows that evolution may not be well understood by Americans. In recent years it has become exceedingly clear that students maintain a dismal understanding of evolution (Demastes et al. 1995; Deniz et al. 2008; Lawson and Worsnop 1992; Lord and Marino 1993; Sinclair and Pendarvis 1997). Indeed, Moore and Cotner (2009) reported that despite evolution being a required part of the high school curriculum in most states, college students scored an average of 54% on the Knowledge of Evolution Exam as measured prior to taking an introductory biology course. Without question, scientifically educated citizens should understand evolutionary theory given the fact that the modern theory of evolution undergirds other areas of science research ranging from genetics to anatomy to ecology. The accrued evolution education research, however, suggests evolution is poorly understood despite a diverse list of scientific and religious organizations that support the teaching of evolution based on the premise that evolution is the best scientific explanation for the origin of species (Sager 2008). With such a diverse and expansive list of evolution supporters, the question remains as to why those exposed to evolution education do not generally demonstrate mastery of the concept.
机译:在美国,进化教育是一个有争议的问题,接受进化论的美国人很少。米勒等。 (2006年)报告的调查结果表明,与欧洲国家相比,美国在接受进化论方面倒数第二。鉴于接受率如此之低,从逻辑上讲,美国人对进化论可能并不了解。近年来,非常清楚的是,学生对进化论的理解令人沮丧(Demastes等,1995; Deniz等,2008; Lawson和Worsnop 1992; Lord和Marino 1993; Sinclair和Pendarvis 1997)。确实,Moore和Cotner(2009)报告说,尽管在大多数州,进化是高中课程的必修部分,但在参加生物学入门课程之前,大学生在进化知识考试中的平均得分为54%。毫无疑问,受过科学教育的公民应该理解进化论,因为现代进化论奠定了从遗传学到解剖学到生态学等科学研究领域的基础。然而,应计的进化教育研究表明,尽管有各种各样的科学和宗教组织以进化为物种起源的最佳科学解释为前提来支持进化教学,但对进化的理解却很少(Sager 2008)。在如此广泛多样的进化支持者列表中,仍然存在一个问题,那就是为什么那些受到进化教育的人们通常不会表现出对该概念的掌握。



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