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Human chorionic gonadotropin tests.


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Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is not a single biological molecule. There is the regular form of hCG produced by differentiated syncytotrophoblast cells (regular hCG). This hormone primarily functions to maintain the myometrial and decidual spiral arteries, or the vascular supply of the placenta during the full course of pregnancy. Hyperglycosylated hCG is made by undifferentiated cytotrophoblast cells, which are extravillous cytotrophoblast cells. This is an autocrine with separate functions, it maintains trophoblast invasion as in implantation of pregnancy and malignancy in gestational trophoblastic diseases. A hyperglycosylated free beta-subunit is produced by a high proportion of all malignancies. This also functions as an autocrine by promoting the growth and invasion of the malignancy. When ordering an hCG test it is important to realize what is being measured and whether the test ordered will detect appropriately these three variants of hCG as well as their degradation products. Most automated commercial laboratory tests, point-of-care tests and over-the-counter tests are limited in what they detect, focusing only on regular hCG. This is in part due to the US FDA, who only consider regular hCG as part of a pregnancy test, and to whom only detection of regular hCG is necessary. This may cause test errors since primarily hyperglycosylated hCG is produced in early pregnancy and in choriocarcinoma and germ cell testicular malignancies. Only free beta-subunits may be produced in other germ cell malignancies (all applications for hCG test). The exceptions are the older style hCGb radioimmunoassay and the Siemens Immulite platform hCG test, which detect all beta-subunit variants of hCG and their degradation product appropriately. Apart from test specificity limitations, assays for hCG and its variants are widely used clinically in pregnancy detection, early pregnancy detection, prediction of spontaneously aborting, and ectopic pregnancies and prediction of trisomy pregnancies. hCG tests are essential in managing gestational trophoblastic diseases, whether hydatidiform mole, invasive mole or choriocarcinoma, and are very useful in management of testicular malignancies and other germ cell malignancies.
机译:人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)不是单个生物分子。分化的滑膜滋养细胞可产生正常形式的hCG(正常hCG)。该激素主要作用是在整个妊娠过程中维持肌层和蜕膜螺旋动脉或胎盘的血管供应。高糖基化的hCG由未分化的细胞滋养层细胞产生,后者是绒毛之外的细胞滋养层细胞。这是一种具有独立功能的自分泌物质,在滋养滋养细胞疾病中,如妊娠和恶性肿瘤的植入一样,它维持滋养细胞的侵袭。高糖基化的游离β-亚基由所有恶性肿瘤的高比例产生。通过促进恶性肿瘤的生长和侵袭,这也起自分泌作用。订购hCG测试时,重要的是要了解要测量的内容以及订购的测试是否可以正确检测hCG的这三种变体及其降解产物。大多数自动商业实验室测试,即时检验和非处方测试在检测到的方面都受到限制,仅侧重于常规hCG。这部分归因于美国FDA,后者仅将常规hCG作为妊娠试验的一部分,并且仅对常规hCG进行检测是必需的。这可能会导致测试错误,因为在怀孕初期以及绒癌,生殖细胞和睾丸恶性肿瘤中主要产生高糖基化的hCG。在其他生殖细胞恶性肿瘤中,仅可能产生游离的β-亚基(hCG测试的所有应用)。较旧的hCGb放射免疫分析法和Siemens Immulite平台hCG测试除外,它们可以适当检测hCG的所有β亚基变体及其降解产物。除了检测特异性的局限性外,hCG及其变体的检测方法在临床上还广泛用于妊娠检测,早期妊娠检测,自然流产的预测,异位妊娠和三体性妊娠的预测。 hCG测试对于处理妊娠滋养细胞疾病(葡萄胎,浸润性葡萄胎或绒癌)至关重要,并且在睾丸恶性肿瘤和其他生殖细胞恶性肿瘤的治疗中非常有用。



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