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Thin-film technology for direct visual detection of nucleic acid sequences: applications in clinical research.


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Certain optical conditions permit the unaided eye to detect thickness changes on surfaces on the order of 20 A, which are of similar dimensions to monomolecular interactions between proteins or hybridization of complementary nucleic acid sequences. Such detection exploits specific interference of reflected white light, wherein thickness changes are perceived as surface color changes. This technology, termed thin-film detection, allows for the visualization of subattomole amounts of nucleic acid targets, even in complex clinical samples. Thin-film technology has been applied to a broad range of clinically relevant indications, including the detection of pathogenic bacterial and viral nucleic acid sequences and the discrimination of sequence variations in human genes causally related to susceptibility or severity of disease.
机译:某些光学条件允许肉眼检测大约20 A的表面厚度变化,其大小与蛋白质之间的单分子相互作用或互补核酸序列的杂交相似。这种检测利用了反射白光的特定干涉,其中厚度变化被感知为表面颜色变化。这项称为薄膜检测的技术,即使在复杂的临床样本中,也可以可视化亚原子量的核酸靶标。薄膜技术已应用于广泛的临床相关适应症,​​包括病原性细菌和病毒核酸序列的检测以及与疾病易感性或严重性因果相关的人类基因序列变异的判别。



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