
EnQuest broadens its horizons


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EnQuest pumped an average 21,569 boe/d in the first 10 months this year. The company said that for the full year, it anticipates delivering 2012 average production around the middle of previous full year guidance of between 20,000 - 24,000 boe/d. EnQuest said its major projects are on track and the UK Alma/Galia development remains on schedule for first oil in Q4 2013, with the farm-out to Kufpec completed. Modification of the FPSO in Hamburg is continuing with the first dry dock related work nearing completion as planned. Other key elements of the project are also proceeding as required to meet the target timeline. Pipeline works authorisations approved for both Alma and Galia fields. Subsea trenching operations have been completed and sub-sea flowlines laid between Alma and Galia and the FPSO location along with the umbilical between Alma and Galia. The proposed development of the Kraken discovery is on schedule for field development plan submission in H1 2013. The company also said Heather rig reactivation is progressing according to plan, ahead of new drilling in early 2013. The next stage of the Thistle field life extension project is moving ahead and an application for the new Brown Field Allowance (as recently announced by HM Treasury) will be made shortly. EnQuest has also applied to pre-qualify as an operator in the Norwegian North Sea.
机译:EnQuest在今年前10个月的平均产量为21569桶油当量/日。该公司表示,预计全年将实现2012年平均产量,接近上年全年指导值的20,000-24,000 boe / d。 EnQuest表示,其主要项目正在按计划进行,英国Alma / Galia开发计划仍按计划在2013年第4季度投入第一批石油,Kufpec的农场也已完工。汉堡的FPSO的改造工作正在进行,与干船坞相关的第一批工作已按计划完成。该项目的其他关键要素也将按要求进行,以达到目标时间表。已为Alma和Galia领域批准了管道工程授权。海底挖沟作业已经完成,阿尔玛和加利亚之间以及FPSO位置之间的海底管线以及阿尔玛和加利亚之间的脐带铺设完毕。 Kraken发现的拟议开发工作已按计划于2013年上半年提交实地开发计划。该公司还表示,希瑟钻机的重装工作正在按计划进行,在2013年初进行新钻探之前。Thistle实地延长寿命项目的下一阶段目前正在推进,不久将申请新的棕地津贴(英国财政部最近宣布)。 EnQuest还申请了在挪威北海的资格预审。



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