首页> 外文期刊>European neuropsychopharmacology: the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology >A regulatory Apologia--a review of placebo-controlled studies in regulatory submissions of new-generation antidepressants.

A regulatory Apologia--a review of placebo-controlled studies in regulatory submissions of new-generation antidepressants.


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Data on percentage of patients experiencing a relevant response (>50% reduction of the baseline Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) score), average baseline severity and sample size were retrieved for all placebo-controlled studies in regulatory submissions of SSRIs and SNRIs between 1984 and 2003. Overall there was 16%-units (95% CI: 12; 20) more responders on active drug compared to placebo. There was no evidence of a diminishing magnitude of effect with lower severity at baseline. With one exception significant differences varying between 13.5 and 19.3%-units were demonstrated for the individual antidepressants. Statistically significant mean differences versus placebo in change in HAMD are not a proper basis for evaluation of clinical relevance and are not sufficient for approval. Differences in the percentage of patients experiencing a clinically relevant response should also be demonstrated. In this respect, the approved SSRIs and SNRIs were found superior to placebo, independent of severity of depression.
机译:在1984年至2002年之间,通过SSRI和SNRI规范提交的所有安慰剂对照研究,获得了相关应答(基线汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)得分降低> 50%),平均基线严重程度和样本量的患者百分比数据。 2003年。总体而言,与安慰剂相比,对活性药物的反应者多16%单位(95%CI:12; 20)。没有证据表明,基线时严重程度较低时效果减弱。除了一个例外,对于每种抗抑郁药,均显示出介于13.5%和19.3%单位之间的显着差异。在统计学上,HAMD变化与安慰剂的显着性均值差异不是评估临床相关性的适当依据,也不足以批准。还应证明经历临床相关反应的患者百分比差异。在这方面,与抑郁症的严重程度无关,发现批准的SSRI和SNRI优于安慰剂。



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