首页> 外文期刊>Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution >Condition dependence of sexual ornament size and variation in the stalk-eyed fly Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni (Diptera : Diopsidae)

Condition dependence of sexual ornament size and variation in the stalk-eyed fly Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni (Diptera : Diopsidae)


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We used the stalk-eyed fly Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni to examine predictions made by condition-dependent handicap models of sexual selection. Condition was experimentally varied by manipulation of larval food availability. Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni is a highly dimorphic species exhibiting strong sexual selection, and the male sexual ornament (exaggerated eyespan) showed strong condition-dependent expression relative to the homologous trait in females and nonsexual traits. Male eyespan also showed a great increase in standardized variance under stress, unlike nonsexual traits. The inflated variance of the male ornament was primarily attributable to condition-dependent (but body-size-independent) increase in variance. Thus, evaluation of male eyespan allows females to gain additional information about male condition over and above that given by body size. These findings accord well with condition-dependent handicap models of sexual selection.
机译:我们使用了茎眼苍蝇Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni来检查性选择的条件依赖障碍模型所做出的预测。通过操纵幼虫的食物供应量,实验条件改变了。达曼拟南芥(Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni)是高度双态的物种,表现出强烈的性选择,相对于雌性和非性特征,雄性性装饰品(夸张的眼睑)表现出较强的条件依赖性表达。与非性特征不同,男性的眼睑在压力下也表现出标准化差异的极大增加。男性装饰物夸大的差异主要归因于与条件相关(但与身体大小无关)的差异增加。因此,对男性眼睑的评估可以使女性获得有关男性状况的更多信息,这些信息超出了身体大小所提供的信息。这些发现与性别选择的条件依赖障碍模型非常吻合。



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