首页> 外文期刊>European journal of physics: A journal of the European Physical Society >Approximations of time-dependent phenomena in quantum mechanics: adiabatic versus sudden processes

Approximations of time-dependent phenomena in quantum mechanics: adiabatic versus sudden processes


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By means of a one-dimensional model of a particle in an infinite square-well potential with one wall moving at a constant speed, we examine aspects of time-dependent phenomena in quantum mechanics such as adiabatic and sudden processes. The particle is assumed to be initially in the ground state of the potential with its initial width. The time dependence of the wavefunction of the particle in the well is generally more complicated when the potential well is compressed than when it is expanded. We are particularly interested in the case in which the potential well is suddenly compressed. The so-called sudden approximation is not applicable in this case. We also study the energy of the particle in the changing well as a function of time for expansion and contraction as well as for expansion followed by contraction and vice versa.



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