首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Pharmacology: An International Journal >TEMPOL, a membrane-permeable radical scavenger, attenuates peroxynitrite- and superoxide anion-enhanced carrageenan-induced paw edema and hyperalgesia: a key role for superoxide anion.

TEMPOL, a membrane-permeable radical scavenger, attenuates peroxynitrite- and superoxide anion-enhanced carrageenan-induced paw edema and hyperalgesia: a key role for superoxide anion.


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Carrageenan produces both inflammation and pain when injected in rat paws via enhancement of the formation of reactive oxygen species. We have tested the effect of 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl (TEMPOL), a membrane-permeable superoxide dismutase (SOD) mimetic in carrageenan-induced rat paw edema. Treatment of rats with TEMPOL (15, 30, and 60 mg/kg, 15 min prior to carrageenan) inhibited the paw edema. Furthermore, treatment of rats with the SOD inhibitor diethylthiocarbamate (DETCA, 100 mg/kg, 1 h before carrageenan) enhanced the carrageenan-induced paw edema. Co-administration of peroxynitrite with carrageenan produced a similar fortification of the carrageenan-induced edema. Prior treatment of rats with TEMPOL (30 mg/kg) inhibited the enhancement produced by DETCA treatment (endogenous superoxide anion stress) as well as that produced by the peroxynitrite stress. The effect of TEMPOL as well as the influence of superoxide anion and peroxynitrite stresses was also tested in carrageenan-induced hyperalgesia model. Carrageenan (500 mug/paw) produced significant hyperalgesia presented as shortening of withdrawal latency times using hot plate (52 degrees C) starting 30 min after carrageenan and lasting for 3 h. TEMPOL (60 mg/kg, injected 15 min before carrageenan) ameliorated this hyperalgesia during the first 2 h. Concurrent administration of peroxynitrite promptly intensified the carrageenan hyperalgesia. TEMPOL (60 mg/kg, 15 min before peroxynitrite-carrageenan) inhibited the peroxynitrite enhancement of carrageenan hyperalgesia when tested at 60 min after injection of the cocktail. The present investigation gives the proof for the effectiveness of TEMPOL as anti-inflammation and analgesic agents in carrageenan-induced model of inflammation and hyperalgesia. It further indicated the importance of superoxide anion and peroxynitrite in acute inflammation and inflammatory pain. This raises the chances for considering pharmacologic interventions that interrupt superoxide anion and peroxynitrite stress for putative alternative agents as anti-inflammatory analgesic new medical strategies.
机译:当将角叉菜胶注射入大鼠爪中时,会通过增加活性氧的形成而产生炎症和疼痛。我们已经测试了4-羟基-2,2,6,6-四甲基哌啶-N-氧基(TEMPOL)的膜渗透性超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)模拟在角叉菜胶诱导的大鼠爪水肿中的作用。用TEMPOL(角叉菜胶前15分钟,15、30和60 mg / kg)处理大鼠可抑制爪水肿。此外,用SOD抑制剂二乙基硫代氨基甲酸酯(DETCA,100 mg / kg,卡拉胶前1小时)治疗大鼠,可增强卡拉胶引起的爪水肿。过氧亚硝酸盐与角叉菜胶的共同给药产生了类似的角叉菜胶诱发的水肿的强化。用TEMPOL(30 mg / kg)预先治疗大鼠可抑制DETCA处理(内源性超氧阴离子应激)以及过亚硝酸盐应激产生的增强。在角叉菜胶诱导的痛觉过敏模型中还测试了TEMPOL的作用以及超氧阴离子和过氧亚硝酸盐胁迫的影响。角叉菜胶(500杯/爪)产生明显的痛觉过敏,表现为在角叉菜胶后30分钟开始使用热板(52摄氏度)缩短撤药潜伏时间,持续3小时。 TEMPOL(60 mg / kg,在角叉菜胶之前15分钟注射)在最初2小时内缓解了痛觉过敏。并用过氧亚硝酸盐迅速加剧了角叉菜胶的痛觉过敏。当在注入鸡尾酒后60分钟进行测试时,TEMPOL(60 mg / kg,过氧亚硝酸盐-角叉菜胶前15分钟)抑制了角叉菜胶痛觉过敏的过氧亚硝酸盐增强。本研究为TEMPOL作为角叉菜胶诱导的炎症和痛觉过敏模型的抗炎和镇痛药的有效性提供了证据。它进一步表明了超氧阴离子和过氧亚硝酸盐在急性炎症和炎性疼痛中的重要性。这为考虑将药理学干预作为抗炎镇痛新药策略提供了机会,这些药理学干预可中断超氧阴离子和过氧亚硝酸盐对推定替代药物的压力。



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