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Eise Eisinga and his Godchild: the Planetarium Zuylenburgh

机译:Eise Eisinga和他的Godchild:Zuylenburgh天文馆

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What jokingly started as a challenging bet has become a reality: since May 2009 the Netherlands are enriched by a new planetarium. It is completely handmade, took two years and three persons to construct and it is attached to the ceiling of a room in the country estate Zuylenburgh in Oud-Zuilen near Utrecht (see Cover Illustration). It is based on the Eise Eisinga planetarium in Franeker in the Dutch province of Friesland, built in the years 1774-1780. Though Eisinga is included in the canon of the fifty most important personalities in Dutch history and though his planetarium will soon be included on UNESCO's World Heritage list, outside of the Netherlands his name is not widely known Even for most Dutch he is only a name, and though he got involved in the turbulent politics that brought about the demise of the 200-year old Dutch confederated Republic and the start of the unitary Dutch state, his role in it was very local. So who was he and what makes his planetarium so special that it inspired the building of new one?
机译:从一个具有挑战性的投注开玩笑地开始成为现实:自2009年5月以来,荷兰有了一个新的天文馆。它是完全手工制作的,耗时两年零三个人,并固定在乌得勒支附近Oud-Zuilen乡村住宅Zuylenburgh中一间房间的天花板上(请参见封面插图)。它基于荷兰弗里斯兰省弗雷纳克的Eise Eisinga天文馆,建于1774年至1780年。尽管Eisinga被列入荷兰历史上50个最重要人物的典范,尽管他的天文馆很快将被列入联合国教科文组织的世界遗产名录,但在荷兰以外的他的名字并没有广为人知。即使对于大多数荷兰人来说,他只是一个名字,尽管他参与了动荡的政治,导致200年历史的荷兰同盟共和国灭亡并建立了统一的荷兰国家,但他在该国的角色非常本土化。那么他是谁,是什么让他的天文馆如此特别,从而启发了新天文馆的建设?



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