首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Cell Biology: Journal of Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Elektronenmikroskopie: Journal of Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Zellbiologie >Decrease in mitochondrial DNA and concurrent increase in plastid DNA ingenerative cells of Pharbitis nil during pollen development

Decrease in mitochondrial DNA and concurrent increase in plastid DNA ingenerative cells of Pharbitis nil during pollen development


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The amount of organellar DNA in a generative cell of Pharbitis nil was observed when squashed pollen grains collected on the day of flowering were stained with the DNA-specific fluorochrome 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). Using both DAPI-fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy, observation of the same thin section of Technovit 7100 resin-embedded material revealed that all of the organellar DNA in mature generative cells is plastid DNA, and there is no mitochondrial DNA. During pollen development, we observed organellar DNA in fluorescence microscopic images using double-staining with DAPI and 3,3'-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide (DiOC(6)) and quantified the DNA using a video-intensified microscope photon counting system (VIMPCS). In the vegetative cells, the amounts of both mitochondrial and plastid DNA progressively decreased and had disappeared by 2 days before flowering. In the generative cells, mitochondrial DNA disappeared sooner than in the vegetative cells, indicating a more active mechanism for the decrease in mitochondrial DNA in the generative cells. In contrast, plastid DNA in the generative cells increased markedly. The DNA content per plastid was at a minimum value (corresponding to one copy of the plastid genome) 7 days before flowering, but it increased to a maximum value (corresponding to over 10 copies of the plastid genome) 2 days before flowering. Similar results were also obtained with immunogold electron microscopy using an anti-DNA antibody. These results suggest that the DNA content of mitochondria and plastids in P. nil is controlled independently during pollen development.
机译:用DNA特异性荧光染料4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole(DAPI)对开花当天收集的压榨的花粉粒进行染色时,观察到了无疫杆菌中生殖细胞中细胞器DNA的量。使用DAPI荧光显微镜和电子显微镜,对Technovit 7100树脂包埋材料的同一薄片进行观察,发现成熟的生殖细胞中的所有细胞器DNA均为质体DNA,而没有线粒体DNA。在花粉发育过程中,我们使用DAPI和3,3'-二己基氧杂羰基花青素碘化物(DiOC(6))双重染色在荧光显微镜图像中观察了细胞器DNA,并使用视频增强显微镜光子计数系统(VIMPCS)对DNA进行了定量。在营养细胞中,线粒体和质体DNA的量逐渐减少,并在开花前2天消失。在生殖细胞中,线粒体DNA的消失比在营养细胞中更快,这表明生殖细胞中线粒体DNA减少的机制更为活跃。相反,生殖细胞中的质体DNA明显增加。开花前7天每个质体的DNA含量为最小值(对应于质体基因组的一个拷贝),但是在开花前2天其增加至最大值(对应于质体基因组的10个以上拷贝)。使用抗DNA抗体的免疫金电子显微镜也获得了相似的结果。这些结果表明,在花粉发育过程中线虫和质体中线粒体的DNA含量是独立控制的。



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