首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Cell Biology: Journal of Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Elektronenmikroskopie: Journal of Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Zellbiologie >Characterization of connexin30.3-deficient mice suggests a possible role of connexin30.3 in olfaction

Characterization of connexin30.3-deficient mice suggests a possible role of connexin30.3 in olfaction


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We have generated connexin30.3-deficient mice in which the coding region of the connexin30.3 gene was replaced by the lacZ reporter gene. The expression pattern of this connexin was characterized using beta-galactosidase staining and immunoblot analyses. In skin, beta-galactosidase/connexin30.3 protein was expressed in the spinous and granulous layers of the epidermis. Specific beta-galactosidase/connexin30.3 expression was also detected in the thin ascending limb of Henle's loop in the kidney. In addition, we found beta-galactosidase/connexin30.3 in progenitor cells of the olfactory epithelium and in a subpopulation of cells in the apical layer of the vomeronasal organ. Connexin30.3-deficient mice were fertile and displayed no abnormalities in the skin or in the chemosensory systems. Furthermore, they showed normal auditory thresholds as measured by brain stem evoked potentials. These mice did, however, exhibit reduced behavioural responses to a vanilla scent.



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