
Status and trends in Swedish dissertations in the area of cardiovascular nursing.


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In Europe, cardiovascular nursing (CVN) is a young branch of nursing science. The explicit knowledge contained in CVN dissertations has, so far, not been studied in Europe, and this is especially true in the case of Sweden. Accordingly, the aim of this literature study was to describe the status of and compare trends in Swedish dissertations in the area of CVN in terms of organisational structure, approach, research strategy, social orientation and socio-demographic aspects. The literature search resulted in 29 dissertations and a 26-item questionnaire that illuminated the problem areas. Most dissertations were produced in the universities of Goteborg, Halmstad and Linkoping; a minority had a nurse as main supervisor; rehabilitation was the most common CVN approach; very few of the dissertations had an experimental design; and the majority was hospital-based. The main trends were (A) an increase in dissertations that were written during the last 6 years, (B) an increased number of nurses as main supervisors as well as publication in nursing journals, (C) an increase in hospital care settings while a decrease in community settings, and finally, (D) an increased number of dissertations addressing the issues of tertiary prevention as well as focusing on patients and next-of-kin as target groups. An important implication is to stimulate nurse-led interventions at all preventative levels in order to maintain or improve the cardiac health of both healthy and sick individuals, but also in order to visualize CVN and distinguish it from cardiology.



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