
Cell biology, MRI and geometry: insight into a microscopic/macroscopic marriage.


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OBJECTIVE: The concept of cell therapy as an adjunctive therapy to myocardial surgical revascularization for patients with severe coronary artery disease is illustrated by two case reports of ischemic cardiac disease that were unsuitable for revascularization by coronary grafting. The potential interaction of cell therapy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of viability, and left ventricle (LV) restoration is described. METHODS: Each patient had an ejection fraction below 30%, a relatively conical heart, and MRI gadolinium scan showing predominantly viable muscle. RESULTS: Intramyocardial injections of autologous bone marrow-derived cells (BMC) were performed along with either incomplete coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) (to mother regions) or with transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMLR). An improvement in contractile function was seen at 6-12-month intervals after the procedure. CONCLUSIONS: The implications of possible underlying mechanisms of improvement in both myocardial perfusion and contractility suggest the striking importance of both micro- and macroenvironment for any cell-based therapeutic strategy. These observations imply that the interaction of cell biology, viability by MRI and geometry may be important in the future, as geometry can be restored surgically, and the new architectural form may develop enhanced function if it contains viable tissue and cell-based treatment can be delivered.
机译:目的:通过两例不适合通过冠状动脉移植进行血运重建的缺血性心脏病病例报告,说明了细胞治疗作为严重冠状动脉疾病患者心肌外科血运重建的辅助治疗概念。描述了细胞治疗,生存能力的磁共振成像(MRI)和左心室(LV)修复之间的潜在相互作用。方法:每名患者的射血分数低于30%,心脏呈圆锥形,MRI scan扫描显示主要是活菌。结果:心肌内注射自体骨髓来源的细胞(BMC)连同不完全的冠状动脉搭桥术(CABG)(至母体区域)或经心肌激光再血管化(TMLR)。术后6-12个月可观察到收缩功能的改善。结论:心肌灌注和收缩力改善的潜在潜在机制的暗示表明,微环境和宏观环境对于任何基于细胞的治疗策略均具有惊人的重要性。这些观察结果表明,细胞生物学,MRI活力和几何学之间的相互作用在将来可能很重要,因为可以通过手术恢复几何学,并且如果新的建筑形式包含活组织并且可以进行基于细胞的治疗,则其功能可能会增强。已交付。



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