首页> 外文期刊>European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery: the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery >Doppler ultrasound monitoring for detection of microembolic signals in peripheral arteries.

Doppler ultrasound monitoring for detection of microembolic signals in peripheral arteries.


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OBJECTIVE: to use Doppler ultrasound to detect peripheral microemboluation. METHODS: standard Transcranial Doppler equipment was used to peripheral detect peripheral embolic high intensity transient signals (HITSs) in a pig model following injection of microparticles and atheroma, and in 23 patients who underwent open repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), six patients with blue toe syndrome and 10 age matched healthy subjects. RESULTS: the pig study showed increasing signal intensity with particle size. Particles of 100 (n=24), 200 (n=17), and 400 microm (n=31) elicited 14, 25, 33 dB signals, respectively (p<0.05). During AAA surgery, the intensity (median) of HITSs before clamping (n=226) and after declamping (n=1216) were 14, and 20dB, respectively (p<0.001). Quite a few HITSs were detected after surgery. In patients with blue toe syndrome, a total of 63 HITSs could be detected, and the frequency of HITSs (median: 5.72/30min) was significantly higher than that in patients with AAA before surgery (0.065/30min) (p<0.001).CONCLUSIONS: Doppler ultrasound technique may be a clinically useful test to guide the treatment of patients at risk of distal atheroembolic events.
机译:目的:利用多普勒超声检测周围微栓塞。方法:标准的经颅多普勒仪用于在微粒和动脉粥样硬化注射后的猪模型中外周检测外周血栓高强度瞬时信号(HITS),在23例接受腹主动脉瘤(AAA)的开放修补术的患者中,有6例患有蓝脚趾综合症和10位年龄相匹配的健康受试者。结果:猪研究显示信号强度随颗粒大小而增加。 100(n = 24),200(n = 17)和400 microm(n = 31)的粒子分别发出14、25、33 dB的信号(p <0.05)。在AAA手术期间,夹紧前(n = 226)和放松后(n = 1216)的HITS强度(中值)分别为14dB和20dB(p <0.001)。手术后发现了很多HITS。患有蓝脚趾综合征的患者中,总共可以检测到63个HITS,并且HITS的发生频率(中位数:5.72 / 30min)显着高于术前AAA的患者(0.065 / 30min)(p <0.001)。结论:多普勒超声技术可能是一种临床有用的测试,可指导治疗有远端动脉粥样硬化事件风险的患者。



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