
Inframalleolar bypass grafts for limb salvage.


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OBJECTIVE: To report our experience of long-term results of inframalleolar bypass. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analysed 122 inframalleolar bypasses performed between January 1991 and June 2005 in 116 patients. Most patients were treated for critical ischaemia (97%). The indication for the use of podalic arteries was a lack of tibial arteries with run-off to the foot. The dorsalis pedis was predominantly used for distal anastomoses (62.3%) and the greater saphenous vein (84.4%) as the conduit. The follow-up periods ranged from 1 to 60 months. The endpoints analysed were graft patency, limb salvage, preservation of deambulation and survival rate. RESULTS: The cumulative patency was 58.2% at 3 years and 53.4% at 5 years. The best results were achieved with the devalvulated greater saphenous veins. Limb salvage was 70.0% at 3 years and 50.4% at 5 years, with preserved deambulation rates of 57.3% and 47.1%, respectively. There were 36 major and 45 minor amputations. At 3 years, the survival rate was 50.2% and the surgical mortality 13%. Female sex was associated with worse results for cumulative patency and limb salvage (P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: In the long term, inframalleolar bypass is a satisfactory option for limb salvage.
机译:目的:报告我们长期应用髓鞘下旁路治疗的长期经验。设计:回顾性分析。材料与方法:我们分析了1991年1月至2005年6月间在116例患者中进行的122次髓内旁路手术。大多数患者接受了严重缺血治疗(97%)。使用足动脉的适应症是胫骨动脉缺乏,并有足部流出。足背主要用于远端吻合(62.3%),大隐静脉(84.4%)用作导管。随访时间为1至60个月。分析的终点是移植物的通畅性,肢体抢救,保留去皮术和存活率。结果:3年累积通畅率为58.2%,5年累积通畅率为53.4%。去除大隐静脉的去瓣静脉获得最佳结果。肢体抢救率在3年时为70.0%,在5年时为50.4%,保留的去皮率分别为57.3%和47.1%。进行了36次主要截肢和45次次要截肢。在3年时,存活率为50.2%,手术死亡率为13%。女性的累积通畅和肢体抢救结果较差(P <0.01)。结论:从长远来看,髓鞘下旁路术是挽救肢体的令人满意的选择。


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