首页> 外文期刊>European journal of emergency medicine: Official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine >Inadequate ventilation of patients with severe brain injury: a possible drawback to prehospital advanced trauma care?

Inadequate ventilation of patients with severe brain injury: a possible drawback to prehospital advanced trauma care?


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SUMMARY: OBJECTIVES To assess the appropriateness of arterial carbon dioxide tension control in a group of 92 patients with traumatic brain injury who, despite receiving advanced prehospital care, showed no improved outcome in comparison with a group homogeneous but for a lower level of prehospital care.METHODS A retrospective registration of the early in-hospital arterial carbon dioxide tension of the patients intubated and ventilated on scene. Patients were excluded if the arterial carbon dioxide tension did not reflect prehospital ventilation or its alteration might have been intentional or unavoidable.RESULTS Arterial carbon dioxide tension was normal (35-45 mmHg) in only six of the 16 suitable cases (37.5%), was elevated (>45 mmHg) in three cases (18.75%), low (25-35 mmHg) in five cases (31.25%), and extremely low (<25 mmHg) in two cases (12.5%).CONCLUSION Potentially dangerous alterations in capnia occurred in the majority of patients analysed. The possible consequences and causes are discussed. Further studies are needed to assess the consequences of any deviation from ideal standards, and to set realistic standards of arterial carbon dioxide tension control during prehospital ventilation.
机译:摘要:目的评估92例颅脑外伤患者的动脉二氧化碳张力控制的适当性,这些患者尽管接受了高级院前护理,但与同质组相比并没有改善的结果,但院前护理水平较低。方法对现场插管通气患者的早期住院动脉二氧化碳张力进行回顾性登记。如果动脉二氧化碳张力不能反映院前通气或者其改变是有意或不可避免的,则将患者排除在研究结果之外。结果16例适当病例中只有6例(37.5%)的动脉二氧化碳张力正常(35-45 mmHg),结论3例(18.75%)升高(> 45 mmHg),5例(31.25%)降低(25-35 mmHg),2例(12.5%)降低(<25 mmHg)。结论分析了大多数患者的碳酸血症。讨论了可能的后果和原因。需要进行进一步的研究,以评估任何偏离理想标准的后果,并为院前通气期间设定控制二氧化碳二氧化碳张力的现实标准。



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