首页> 外文期刊>European journal of drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics >Effect of zobo drink (Hibiscus sabdariffa water extract) on the pharmacokinetics of acetaminophen in human volunteers.

Effect of zobo drink (Hibiscus sabdariffa water extract) on the pharmacokinetics of acetaminophen in human volunteers.


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Acetaminophen, a common antipyretic-analgesic OTC drug is often administered orally anytime of the day with water or beverages irrespective of possible interactions. Zobo drink, is a sweetened water extract of the dried calyx of Hibiscus Sabdariffa. This work is designed to investigate the effect of zobo drink on an oral dose of acetaminophen. Six healthy male volunteers, ages 28.50 +/- 1.76 years, weighing 62.67 +/- 1.67kg participated in the study. The study was carried out in two phases. In the first phases an oral dose of acetaminophen (1g) was administered to the volunteers and in the second phases, zobo drink was ingested by the volunteers 1.30 h prior the administration of acetaminophen (1g). Acetaminophen concentration in plasma was determined using a validated spectrophotometric method. Pharmacokinetic values obtained were found to be in similar ranges as those previously reported. The absorption parameters t1/2a, Ka, Tmax, Cmax and AUC0-alpha showed no statistically significant changes (p>0.05) after the administration of zobo. There were however statistically significant changes (p<0.05) in Kbeta and t1/2beta of acetaminophen when administered after the zobo drink. This also resulted in 11.69% increase in ClT.
机译:对乙酰氨基酚,一种常见的解热镇痛非处方药,通常在一天中的任何时间与水或饮料口服,不论可能的相互作用如何。 Zobo饮料是芙蓉无花果干燥花萼的甜水提取物。这项工作旨在研究zobo饮料对口服对乙酰氨基酚的影响。六名健康的男性志愿者年龄为28.50 +/- 1.76岁,体重为62.67 +/- 1.67kg,参加了研究。该研究分两个阶段进行。在第一阶段,对志愿者进行口服对乙酰氨基酚(1g)给药;在第二阶段中,志愿者在对乙酰氨基酚(1g)给药之前1.30 h摄入zobo饮料。使用验证的分光光度法测定血浆中对乙酰氨基酚的浓度。发现获得的药代动力学值在与先前报道的那些相似的范围内。 zobo给药后,吸收参数t1 / 2a,Ka,Tmax,Cmax和AUC0-alpha没有显示出统计学上的显着变化(p> 0.05)。但是,在zobo饮料后给药时,对乙酰氨基酚的Kbeta和t1 / 2beta在统计学上有显着变化(p <0.05)。这也导致ClT增加11.69%。



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