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Persistent verbal and behavioral deficits after resection of the left supplementary motor area in epilepsy surgery


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An 8-year-old boy underwent a resection for focal cortical dysplasia at the left supplementary motor area (SMA) for the treatment of intractable epilepsy. The manifestations of SMA syndrome, such as transient mutism and right hemiparesis, resolved within a few weeks. Verbal disfluency and impaired executive function, accompanied by impulsivity and distractibility, persisted for more than 12. months. The verbal and behavioral problems caused serious difficulties in the school life of the patient, until they became less evident at 18. months after surgery. Tractography performed 18. months after surgery revealed a defect in the subportion of fronto-parietal association fibers within the left superior longitudinal fascicles. Verbal influency can persist with unusually long duration after resection of SMA during childhood. Although not discernible on the routine neuroimaging, white matter damage beneath the SMA region could result in serious disabilities in executive function. These complications should be recognized for the prediction and assessment of deficits in children after surgical intervention involving this region.
机译:一名8岁男孩因左侧顽固性运动区域(SMA)的局灶性皮质发育异常而进行了切除术,以治疗顽固性癫痫。 SMA综合征的表现,例如短暂性默症和右半身偏瘫,可在几周内消失。言语流离失所和执行功能受损,伴随着冲动和分散注意力,持续了超过12个月。言语和行为问题在患者的学校生活中造成了严重的困难,直到在手术后18个月变得不那么明显为止。手术后18个月进行的术式检查显示左上纵向束中额顶顶缔合纤维亚部分缺损。儿童期SMA切除后,言语影响力会持续异常长的时间。尽管在常规的神经影像学检查中无法辨别,但SMA区域下方的白质损伤可能导致执行功能严重丧失。这些并发症应被认识到,以预测和评估儿童在涉及该区域的外科手术后的缺陷。



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