首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Horticultural Science >Influence of Coloured Mulches on Soil Temperature and Yield of Sweet Pepper

Influence of Coloured Mulches on Soil Temperature and Yield of Sweet Pepper


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One of the main objectives of using plastic mulch is to increase soil temperature, However, under high temperature conditions some plastic mulches warm the soil to temperatures that might be harmful to plant growth, A 2-year study was carried out in northern Hungary (Godollo) to determine the optimal colour of the plastic mulch for sweet pepper under specific, unsettled climatic circumstances, in some years with high temperature conditions. The increase of soil temperature caused by certain mulches was the same in both years. In case of light, coloured mulches (clear, violet, light green) the soil temperature was 2.5—2.9 °C higher than in case of the un-mulched control. The dark coloured mulches (black, dark green, red) caused 1.4—2.1 °C soil temperature increase compared to the un-mulched control. The rate of soil temperature values optimal for sweet pepper (between 20 and 30 °C) was the highest in case of dark coloured mulches. Due to the warmer weather in 2003 the soil warmed up under the clear and violet mulches extremely, which had a harmful effect on vegetative growth and yield. According to the higher soil temperatures mulched treatments produced higher yields than the un-mulched treatment except the clear mulch in 2003. The use of dark coloured mulches is the safest solution in the examined region because even in case of high air temperature and solar radiation the soil does not warm to a harmful degree.
机译:使用塑料覆盖物的主要目的之一是提高土壤温度。但是,在高温条件下,一些塑料覆盖物将土壤加热到可能对植物生长有害的温度。匈牙利北部进行了为期2年的研究(Godollo ),以确定在特定的,不稳定的气候条件下(在某些年份和高温条件下)甜椒塑料覆盖物的最佳颜色。某些地膜引起的土壤温度升高在两年中是相同的。在浅色有色覆盖物(透明,紫色,浅绿色)的情况下,土壤温度比未覆盖对照的土壤温度高2.5-2.9°C。与未覆盖的对照相比,深色覆盖(黑色,深绿色,红色)导致土壤温度升高1.4-2.1°C。对于深色覆盖物,甜椒的最佳土壤温度值速率(在20至30°C之间)最高。由于2003年天气转暖,在透明的紫色覆盖物下土壤急剧升温,这对营养生长和产量产生了有害影响。根据较高的土壤温度,除了2003年的透明覆盖物外,覆盖处理的产量比未覆盖处理高。在研究区域,深色覆盖物的使用是最安全的解决方案,因为即使在高温和太阳辐射的情况下,土壤不会变热至有害程度。



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