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Bilateral posterior agyria-pachygyria and epilepsy.


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We analyzed the electroclinical findings in two patients with bilateral posterior agyria-pachygyria. Both patients presented with mental retardation, mild motor deficit and epilepsy. The electroclinical findings were characterized by frequent tonic or atonic generalized seizures with occasionally simple or complex partial seizures. Interictal electroencephalography (EEG) showed occipital spikes and diffuse polyspike-wave paroxysms predominantly in the posterior region. Ictal EEG showed diffuse 10-11 Hz activity. Cerebral magnetic resonance imagings (MRIs) showed thickened cortex in the parieto-occipital lobes, bilaterally and symmetrically. The volume of underlying white matter appeared reduced, and the overlying subarachnoid spaces were enlarged. The occipital horns were dilated. These findings were compatible with agyria-pachygyria of the posterior portions of the brain.In conclusion, in patients with mental retardation, mild motor deficit and epilepsy characterized by tonic or atonic generalized seizures, interictal EEG with diffuse polyspike-wave paroxysms predominantly in posterior region, posterior focal epileptilorm abnormalities and ictal diffuse 10-11 Hz activity, bilateral parieto-occipital agyria-pachygyria should be considered as a possible etiology. Magnetic resonance image is the best neuroradiological study to identify this disorder of cortical development.
机译:我们分析了两例双侧后方无回声-厚皮不全患者的电临床表现。两名患者均出现智力低下,轻度运动障碍和癫痫。临床表现以频繁的强直性或强直性全身性癫痫发作为特征,偶发简单或复杂的部分性癫痫发作。发作间脑电图(EEG)显示枕部尖峰和弥漫性多发波阵发性发作主要发生在后部区域。脑电图显示弥漫性10-11 Hz活动。脑磁共振成像(MRI)显示双侧和对称的顶枕叶中皮质增厚。底层白质的体积似乎减少了,上方的蛛网膜下腔增大了。枕骨角扩张。这些发现与脑后部的无回声-短肌回声是相符的。总之,在智力低下,轻度运动障碍和以强直性或强直性全身性癫痫发作为特征的癫痫患者中,壁间脑电图以弥漫性多峰波阵发性发作为主,后局灶性上皮细胞异常和发作性弥漫性10-11 Hz活动,应将双侧顶枕性先天性-臀不全视为可能的病因。磁共振图像是识别这种皮质发育障碍的最佳神经放射学研究。



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