首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Horticultural Science >The physiology of Curcuma alismatifolia Gagnep. as a basis for the improvement of ornamental production

The physiology of Curcuma alismatifolia Gagnep. as a basis for the improvement of ornamental production


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This review addresses the research on the physiology of Curcuma alismatifolia to improve the understanding of this plant, a tropical flower crop that has become popular as a cut flower, a potted plant and a garden plant. C. alismatifolia Gagnep., called the Siam Tulip or Patumma, is widely cultivated as an ornamental Curcuma for cut flowers and potted plants because of the attractive inflorescence with pink coma bracts and long vase life. Thailand exports more than 3 million rhizomes to the world market. The review considers its distribution (widely in Thailand and Cambodia), growth cycle, flowering physiology, diurnal photosynthesis, nitrogen metabolism (including with N-sources, utilization, transports and N-2 fixation) and carbohydrate metabolism, which may be beneficial for the improvement of crop production.
机译:这篇综述着眼于姜黄的生理学研究,以提高对该植物的了解,该植物是一种热带花卉作物,已广泛用作切花,盆栽植物和庭园植物。 C. alismatifolia Gagnep。被称为暹罗郁金香或巴图玛(Patumma),由于具有迷人的花序和粉红色的昏迷片,并且花瓶寿命长,因此被广泛用作切花和盆栽植物的观赏姜黄。泰国向世界市场出口了超过300万根茎。审查考虑了其分布(广泛分布于泰国和柬埔寨),生长周期,开花生理,昼夜光合作用,氮代谢(包括氮源,利用,运输和固氮作用)和碳水化合物代谢,这可能对改善作物产量。



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