首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Horticultural Science >Scion-rootstock interaction affects the phytochemical composition of Prunus phloem.

Scion-rootstock interaction affects the phytochemical composition of Prunus phloem.


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The focus of our investigation was the influence of various rootstocks for peach of different genetic origin on phytochemical composition in the phloem above and below the graft union, and the role of phenols in graft compatibility/incompatibility. Assays of phloem with cambium from 6-year-old 'Royal Glory' peach trees, grafted on rootstocks of various genetic origin, peach seedling ( Prunus persica L.), GF 677 and Monegro (both hybrids of Prunus persica L. * Prunus amygdalus L.), Cadaman and Barrier (both hybrids of Prunus persica L. * Prunus davidiana L.), and Penta and Tetra (both belonging to Prunus domestica L.) were analysed with HPLC-MS. Twenty-one phenolics were detected in the phloem of Prunus persica and their hybrid rootstocks, and 10 phenolics in Prunus domestica rootstocks. The most abundant phenolic group in the phloem of Prunus persica and Prunus domestica rootstocks was the flavanols. 'Royal Glory' is highly compatible with peach seedling, GF 677 and Monegro rootstocks. In Cadaman rootstock, accumulation of all flavonols, and in Barrier, the flavonols quercetin 3-glucoside and isorhamnetin 3-glucoside, and the flavanone prunin were observed above the graft union, which is related to graft incompatibility. Hydoxycinnamic acids, unknownphenols as well as two dimeric procyanidins were present only in plum rootstocks. The level of all analysed flavonols, flavanone naringenin hexoside, and flavanols (except catechin, epicatechin and procyanidin B1) were significantly higher above the graft union in Prunus domestica rootstocks, which indicates that flavonols could also be involved in the graft incompatibility process.
机译:我们研究的重点是不同根源桃的各种砧木对嫁接上方和下方韧皮部植物化学成分的影响,以及酚类在嫁接相容性/不相容性中的作用。六岁“ Royal Glory”桃树中形成层的韧皮部含量测定,嫁接于多种遗传来源的砧木,桃苗(Prunus persica L。),GF 677和Monegro(Prunus persica L.的杂交种)* Prunus amygdalus L。),Cadaman和Barrier(李属李* * Prunus davidiana L.的杂种)和Penta和Tetra(都属于李属李)都用HPLC-MS分析。在桃李及其杂种砧木韧皮部中检出21种酚类,在李属砧木中检出10种酚类。桃和李子砧木韧皮部中酚类最多的是黄烷醇。 'Royal Glory'与桃苗,GF 677和Monegro砧木高度兼容。在Cadaman砧木中,所有黄酮醇的积累,而在屏障中,在嫁接处上方观察到黄酮醇槲皮素3-葡萄糖苷和异鼠李素3-葡萄糖苷以及黄烷酮酮,这与移植物不相容有关。羟基肉桂酸,未知酚和两种二聚原花青素仅存在于李子砧木中。所有分析过的黄酮醇,黄烷酮柚皮素六糖苷和黄烷醇(儿茶素,表儿茶素和原花青素B1除外)的含量均显着高于李属砧木的嫁接处,这表明黄酮醇也可能参与了嫁接不相容的过程。



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