首页> 外文期刊>European journal of heart failure: journal of the Working Group on Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology >Chronic heart failure slows late sodium current in human and canine ventricular myocytes: implications for repolarization variability.

Chronic heart failure slows late sodium current in human and canine ventricular myocytes: implications for repolarization variability.


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BACKGROUND: Late Na(+) current (I(NaL)) in human and dog hearts has been implicated in abnormal repolarization associated with heart failure (HF). HF slows inactivation gating of late Na(+) channels, which could contribute to these abnormalities. AIMS: To test how altered gating affects I(NaL) time course, Na(+) influx, and action potential (AP) repolarization. METHODS: I(NaL) and AP were measured by patch clamp in left ventricular cardiomyocytes from normal and failing hearts of humans and dogs. Canine HF was induced by coronary microembolization. RESULTS: I(NaL) decay was slower and I(NaL) density was greater in failing hearts than in normal hearts at 24 degrees C (human hearts: tau=659+/-16 vs. 529+/-21 ms; n=16 and 4 hearts, respectively; mean+/-SEM; p<0.002; dog hearts: 561+/-13 vs. 420+/-17 ms; and 0.307+/-0.014 vs. 0.235+/-0.019 pA/pF; n=25 and 14 hearts, respectively; p<0.005) and at 37 degrees C this difference tended to increase. These I(NaL) changes resulted in much greater (53.6%) total Na(+) influx in failing cardiomyocytes. I(NaL) was sensitive to cadmium but not to cyanide and exhibited low sensitivity to saxitoxin (IC(50)=62 nM) or tetrodotoxin (IC(50)=1.2 muM), tested in dogs. A 50% I(NaL) inhibition by toxins or passing current opposite to I(NaL), decreased beat-to-beat AP variability and eliminated early afterdepolarizations in failing cardiomyocytes. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic HF leads to larger and slower I(NaL) generated mainly by the cardiac-type Na(+) channel isoform, contributing to larger Na(+) influx and AP duration variability. Interventions designed to reduceormalize I(NaL) represent a potential cardioprotective mechanism in HF via reduction of related Na(+) and Ca(2+) overload and improvement of repolarization.
机译:背景:人和狗心脏中的晚期Na(+)电流(I(NaL))已与心力衰竭(HF)相关的异常复极化有关。 HF减慢了后期Na(+)通道的失活门控,这可能导致这些异常。目的:测试门控改变如何影响I(NaL)时间进程,Na(+)涌入和动作电位(AP)复极。方法:通过膜片钳对人和狗的正常心脏和衰竭心脏的左心室心肌细胞的I(NaL)和AP进行测定。通过冠状动脉微栓塞诱导犬HF。结果:在24摄氏度时,衰竭心脏的I(NaL)衰减较慢,而I(NaL)密度则比正常心脏大(人类心脏:tau = 659 +/- 16 vs. 529 +/- 21 ms; n = 16和4个心脏;平均值+/- SEM; p <0.002;狗心脏:561 +/- 13对420 +/- 17 ms;和0.307 +/- 0.014对0.235 +/- 0.019 pA / pF; n = 25和14个心; p <0.005),并且在37摄氏度时,这种差异趋于增加。这些I(NaL)变化导致衰竭的心肌细胞中的总Na(+)流入量大得多(53.6%)。 I(NaL)对镉敏感,但对氰化物不敏感,对狗中的毒素(IC(50)= 62 nM)或河豚毒素(IC(50)= 1.2 muM)表现出较低的敏感性。毒素或与I(NaL)相反的通过电流对I(NaL)的抑制率为50%,降低了心跳对AP的变异性,并消除了衰竭心肌细胞的早期去极化作用。结论:慢性心衰导致较大和较慢的I(NaL),主要由心脏型Na(+)通道亚型产生,导致更大的Na(+)流入和AP持续时间变异性。通过减少相关的Na(+)和Ca(2+)过载并改善复极化,旨在减少I /(NaL)/使I(NaL)正常化的干预措施代表了HF中潜在的心脏保护机制。



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