首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Soil Science >Distributions of carbon and nitrogen isotopes in Scotland's topsoil: a national-scale study

Distributions of carbon and nitrogen isotopes in Scotland's topsoil: a national-scale study


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The land use and climate of Scotland are currently undergoing change. Concentrations of Natural abundance stable isotopes in ecosystems have been used extensively to help to understand a wide range of processes and functions. In the current study topsoil was collected from the intercepts of a 20-km grid across the whole of Scotland (183 points), which encompass large differences in mean annual temperature (MAT,3.1-9.1 degrees C), mean annual precipitation (MAP, 588-3470 mm) and land use (from arable land through grassland and woodland to less fertile moorlands and bogs). At each sampling point the natural abundance delta C-13 and delta N-15 values were measured. This paper describes for the first time the spatial distribution of these isotopes in the topsoil of Scotland. We applied linear modelling to assess the extent to which land use and climate can control the observed distributions. The more enriched topsoil delta C-13 values occurred in the northern and western regions of Scotland. Topsoil delta C-13 values were tightly constrained about the mean, and possibly because of this we were able to explain only 23.6% of the variance even after considering the potential effects of a wide range of abiotic factors and land uses. Precipitation and land use explained the greatest variance in topsoil delta C-13, but individually this was only 10.4 and 9.9%, respectively. Topsoil delta N-15 values showed a more complex spatial arrangement. The main areas of the more enriched delta N-15 values were in the northern isles, along or near the coast on the eastern side of the country and in some areas of the western mainland. For topsoil delta N-15, all explanatory variables together explained 55.7% of the variance, with land use alone explaining 45.4%. Soil under arable land and improved grassland, the more fertile sites, had the most enriched delta N-15 values, whereas woodland and bogs had the most depleted values. A positive relationship between topsoil delta N-15 and potential rate of nitrification suggested that this was due, at least in part, to greater losses of nitrate under arable land and improved grassland.
机译:苏格兰的土地利用和气候目前正在发生变化。生态系统中自然丰度稳定同位素的浓度已被广泛用于帮助理解广泛的过程和功能。在本研究中,表层土壤是从整个苏格兰20公里网格的截距中收集的(183个点),其中包括年均温度(MAT,3.1-9.1摄氏度),年均降水量(MAP, 588-3470毫米)和土地利用(从可耕地到草地和林地,再到肥沃的荒地和沼泽)。在每个采样点,测量自然丰度增量C-13和增量N-15值。本文首次描述了这些同位素在苏格兰表层土壤中的空间分布。我们应用线性模型来评估土地利用和气候可以控制观测分布的程度。表层土壤δC-13值更富集于苏格兰的北部和西部地区。表土C-13值严格限制在平均值上,因此,即使考虑了各种非生物因素和土地利用的潜在影响,我们也只能解释23.6%的方差。降水和土地利用解释了表土层C-13的最大差异,但分别仅为10.4%和9.9%。表土N-15值显示出更复杂的空间排列。 N-15增量值更丰富的主要地区是在北部小岛,该国东部沿海地区或沿海地区以及西部大陆的某些地区。对于表层土壤N-15,所有解释变量合起来解释了55.7%的方差,仅土地使用就解释了45.4%。耕地和改良草场下的土壤(肥沃的土地)的N-15值最富集,而林地和沼泽的N-15值最丰富。表土N-15与潜在硝化速率之间的正相关关系表明,这至少部分是由于耕地和改良草地下硝酸盐的损失更大。



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