首页> 外文期刊>European journal of heart failure: journal of the Working Group on Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology >Ghrelin resistance occurs in severe heart failure and resolves after heart transplantation.

Ghrelin resistance occurs in severe heart failure and resolves after heart transplantation.


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AIMS: Severe heart failure (HF) is often associated with cachexia that reverses post-heart transplantation (HTx) with frequent development of obesity. Ghrelin is a novel appetite-stimulating hormone. The aim was to determine the role of ghrelin in regulating appetite, food intake, and body composition in HF and post-HTx. METHODS AND RESULTS: We measured serial ghrelin, hunger sensation, caloric intake, and body composition in 12 HF patients awaiting HTx, 12 patients 12.7 +/- 8.6 months post-HTx, and 7 controls. Seven of 12 HF patients were followed for longitudinal analysis post-HTx. Body mass index was 23.1 +/- 3.1 in HF and 31.5 +/- 5.5 post-HTx (P < 0.001). Heart transplantation patients had gained 18.0 +/- 7.7 kg since HTx. Ghrelin area under the curve between controlled meals (control: 186 +/- 39; HF: 264 +/- 71; HTx: 194 +/- 47 ng min/mL, P < 0.007) was higher in HF, but test meal caloric intake (control: 1185 +/- 650; HF: 391 +/- 103; HTx: 831 +/- 309 kcal, P < 0.008) was lower in HF. The longitudinal analysis confirmed these findings. CONCLUSION: Heart failure may be associated with resistance to the appetite-stimulating effects of ghrelin, which may contribute to cachexia. Heart transplantation may be associated with resolution of ghrelin resistance, which may contribute to weight gain. These findings are preliminary and should be confirmed in larger trials.
机译:目的:严重的心力衰竭(HF)通常与恶病质有关,恶病质会逆转心脏后移植(HTx)和肥胖症的频繁发生。 Ghrelin是一种新型的食欲刺激激素。目的是确定ghrelin在HF和HTx后调节食欲,食物摄入和身体成分中的作用。方法和结果:我们测量了12名等待HTx的HF患者,12名HTx术后12.7 +/- 8.6个月的HF患者的系列生长素释放肽,饥饿感,热量摄入和身体成分。随访12例HF患者中的7例进行HTx后的纵向分析。 HF的体重指数为23.1 +/- 3.1,HTx后为31.5 +/- 5.5(P <0.001)。自HTx以来,心脏移植患者的体重增加了18.0 +/- 7.7千克。对照膳食之间曲线下的Ghrelin面积(对照:186 +/- 39; HF:264 +/- 71; HTx:194 +/- 47 ng min / mL,P <0.007)在HF中较高,但测试膳食热量HF的摄入量较低(对照:1185 +/- 650; HF:391 +/- 103; HTx:831 +/- 309 kcal,P <0.008)。纵向分析证实了这些发现。结论:心力衰竭可能与对生长素释放肽的食欲刺激作用的抵抗有关,这可能导致恶病质。心脏移植可能与ghrelin抵抗的消退有关,这可能有助于体重增加。这些发现是初步的,应在更大的试验中得到证实。



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