首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Haematology >Thrombin generation in children with sickle cell disease: Relationship with age, hemolysis, transcranial doppler velocity, and hydroxyurea treatment

Thrombin generation in children with sickle cell disease: Relationship with age, hemolysis, transcranial doppler velocity, and hydroxyurea treatment


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Introduction: Increased thrombin generation (TG) was described in sickle cell disease (SCD) children. The aim of this study was to characterize TG at the individual level and assess its relationship with age, hemolysis, transcranial Doppler velocity (TCD), and hydroxyurea treatment. Patients and methods: TG was triggered in the platelet-poor plasma using tissue factor and phospholipids with addition of thrombomodulin in 97 SCD at steady state and 80 control children. Patients and controls were aged from 2 to 20 years, and they were distributed in four categories of age: [2-5], [6-10], [11-15], and [16-20] years. For each subject, ratio of endogenous thrombin potential (rETP) and peak height (rPeak) was calculated as subject's value divided by the mean value of controls of the same age range. rETP and rPeak of patients were considered abnormal when > mean + 2SD of controls. LDH, total hemoglobin, and reticulocyte count were measured as markers of hemolysis. Data on hydroxyurea treatment and TCD were collected from medical records. Results: Overall, 38.1% and 44.3% of patients showed elevated rETP and rPeak, respectively. rETP and rPeak decreased significantly with increasing age. In homozygous (SS) patients, TCD velocities and all markers of hemolysis correlated significantly with both rETp and rPeak. Negative correlations were observed between these ratios and the duration of hydroxyurea treatment. Conclusion: Elevated TG in SCD children is mainly related to younger age and to the intensity of hemolysis. There probably a link between TG and cerebral vasculopathy in these patients. Hydroxyurea may have a beneficial effect, which could be related to the duration of treatment.
机译:简介:在镰状细胞疾病(SCD)儿童中,凝血酶生成(TG)有所增加。这项研究的目的是在个体水平上表征TG,并评估其与年龄,溶血,经颅多普勒速度(TCD)和羟基脲治疗的关系。患者和方法:使用组织因子和磷脂在血小板减少的血浆中触发TG,在稳定状态的97 SCD和80例正常儿童中加入血栓调节蛋白。患者和对照的年龄为2至20岁,分为四个年龄段:[2-5],[6-10],[11-15]和[16-20]岁。对于每个受试者,将内源性凝血酶电位(rETP)与峰高(rPeak)的比率计算为受试者的值除以相同年龄范围内对照组的平均值。当对照组的平均值> 2SD时,患者的rETP和rPeak被认为是异常的。测量LDH,总血红蛋白和网织红细胞计数作为溶血标志物。从医疗记录中收集了有关羟基脲治疗和TCD的数据。结果:总体而言,分别有38.1%和44.3%的患者出现rETP和rPeak升高。 rETP和rPeak随着年龄的增长而显着下降。在纯合子(SS)患者中,TCD速度和所有溶血标记物与rETp和rPeak均显着相关。在这些比例与羟基脲治疗时间之间观察到负相关。结论:SCD儿童的TG升高主要与年龄较小和溶血强度有关。这些患者中TG与脑血管病之间可能存在联系。羟基脲可能具有有益的作用,这可能与治疗时间有关。



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