首页> 外文期刊>European journal of gastroenterology and hepatology >Helicobacter pylori gastritis of the gastric cancer phenotype in relatives of gastric carcinoma patients.

Helicobacter pylori gastritis of the gastric cancer phenotype in relatives of gastric carcinoma patients.


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OBJECTIVE: Infection with Helicobacter pylori is associated with gastric cancer. However, a hereditary risk of gastric cancer has also been reported. Hence, we decided to evaluate H. pylori gastritis in relatives of gastric cancer patients in comparison with matched controls. DESIGN: Case-controlled study. METHODS: A total of 237 patients with merely H. pylori gastritis (i.e. not associated with either peptic ulcer or gastric malignancy), and either first-degree (93.7%) or second-degree (6.3%) relatives with gastric cancer, were age- and sex-matched with 237 patients with H. pylori gastritis unassociated with a family history of gastric cancer. From each patient, antral and corpus biopsy specimens were obtained and investigated for degree (lymphocyte/plasma cell infiltration) and activity (polymorph infiltration) of gastritis (score: 0-4). Intestinal metaplasia was recorded as present or absent. RESULTS: The results show that relatives of gastric cancer patients have a significantly greater expression of gastritis due to a higher grade of gastritis in the antrum and corpus (P < 0.0001) and a greater activity of gastritis in the corpus (P < 0.0001). Intestinal metaplasia occurs more often in relatives of gastric cancer patients (antrum: P < 0.0001; corpus: P = 0.0237). CONCLUSION: Since the grade of H. pylori gastritis in relatives of gastric cancer patients is significantly higher than in controls, there appears to be a genetic susceptibility influencing the expression of H. pylori gastritis.
机译:目的:幽门螺杆菌感染与胃癌有关。然而,也已经报道了胃癌的遗传风险。因此,我们决定评估胃癌患者亲属中的幽门螺杆菌胃炎与匹配的对照。设计:病例对照研究。方法:总共237例仅患有幽门螺杆菌胃炎(即与消化性溃疡或胃恶性肿瘤无关),且一度(93.7%)或二度(6.3%)患有胃癌的亲属年龄-与237例与胃癌家族史无关的幽门螺杆菌胃炎患者性别匹配。从每位患者中获得肛门和尸体活检标本,并调查其胃炎的程度(淋巴细胞/浆细胞浸润)和活性(多形体浸润)(评分:0-4)。肠上皮化生记录为存在或不存在。结果:由于胃窦和胃体中胃炎的等级较高(P <0.0001)和胃体胃炎的活动性较高(P <0.0001),胃癌患者的亲属的胃炎表达明显更高。肠上皮化生多发生于胃癌患者的亲属中(胃窦:P <0.0001;身体:P = 0.0237)。结论:由于胃癌患者亲属的幽门螺杆菌胃炎等级明显高于对照组,因此似乎有遗传易感性影响幽门螺杆菌胃炎的表达。



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