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Trends and tenets in relapsing and progressive opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome


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Despite advances in inducing remission in pediatric opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS), relapse remains a challenge. By definition, relapse is not a characteristic of monophasic OMS, but occurs at any time in the course of multiphasic OMS. Due to variability and heterogeneity, patients are best approached and treated on a case-by-case basis, using precepts derived from clinical and scientific studies. Treatment of provocations, such as infection or immunotherapy tapering, is the short-term goal, but discovering unresolved neuroinflammation and re-configuring disease-modifying agents is crucial in the long-term. The working hypothesis is that much of the injury in OMS results from neuroinflammation involving dysregulated B cells, which may cause loss of tolerance and autoantibody production. Biomarkers of disease activity include cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) B cell frequency, oligoclonal bands (OCB), B cell attractants (CXCL13)' and activating factors (BAFF). Measuring these markers comprises modern detection and characterization of neuroinflammation or verifies 'no evidence of disease activity'. The decision making process is three-tiered: deciding if the relapse is bone fide, identifying its etiology, and formulating a therapeutic plan. Relapsing-remitting OMS is treatable, and combination multimodal/multi-mechanistic immunotherapy is improving the outcome. However, some patients progress to a refractory state with cognitive impairment and disability from failure to go into remission, multiple relapses, or more aggressive disease. This report provides new insights on underappreciated risks and pitfalls inherent in relapse, pro-active efforts to avoid progression, the need for early and sufficient treatment beyond corticosteroids and immunoglobulins, and utilization of disease activity biomarkers to identify high-risk patients and safely withdraw immunotherapy. (C) 2015 The Japanese Society of Child Neurology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:尽管在诱导小儿肌阵挛-肌阵挛综合征(OMS)缓解方面取得了进展,但复发仍然是一个挑战。根据定义,复发不是单相OMS的特征,而是在多相OMS的任何时候发生。由于变异性和异质性,最好使用源自临床和科学研究的戒律,逐案处理和治疗患者。短期目标是治疗挑衅,例如感染或逐渐减少免疫疗法,但长期而言,发现未解决的神经炎症和重新配置疾病缓解剂至关重要。有效的假设是,OMS的许多损伤是由涉及B细胞失调的神经炎症引起的,这可能导致耐受性丧失和自身抗体产生。疾病活动的生物标志物包括脑脊髓液(CSF)B细胞频率,寡克隆带(OCB),B细胞引诱剂(CXCL13)'和激活因子(BAFF)。测量这些标志物包括现代检测和表征神经炎症或验证“无疾病活动证据”。决策过程分为三个阶段:确定复发是否是真正的,确定其病因,制定治疗计划。复发缓解型OMS是可以治疗的,多模式/多机制免疫治疗相结合可改善预后。但是,有些患者由于无法入睡,多次复发或更具侵略性,而发展为具有认知障碍和残疾的难治性状态。该报告提供了有关复发中固有的未被充分认识的风险和陷阱,为避免进展而进行的积极努力,需要在皮质类固醇和免疫球蛋白之外进行早期和充分治疗的需要以及利用疾病活动性生物标志物来识别高危患者并安全退出免疫疗法的新见解。 (C)2015年日本儿童神经病学会。由Elsevier B.V.发布。保留所有权利。



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