首页> 外文期刊>Brain & Development >Another promising treatment option for neuroblastoma-associated opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome by oral high-dose dexamethasone pulse: Lymphocyte markers as disease activity

Another promising treatment option for neuroblastoma-associated opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome by oral high-dose dexamethasone pulse: Lymphocyte markers as disease activity


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A one-year-old boy with neuroblastoma (NBoma)-associated opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS) was treated by oral high-dose dexamethasone (DEX) pulses (20mg/m 2/day of DEX for three consecutive days) every 28days for 6months after resection of the tumor. All OMS symptoms improved after the first course of DEX pulse therapy and disappeared after the last course. No adverse effects were observed. Minor deterioration of his developmental quotient was noted 33months after the onset of the disease. NBoma remission has been maintained since treatment. Before DEX pulse therapy, frequency of T lymphocyte, in particular CD4-positive cell decreased markedly resulted in low CD4/8 ratio in the peripheral blood (PB). The frequency of B lymphocyte increased, especially in cerebrospinal fluid. These aberrant values in PB were reversed by DEX pulse therapy and correlated well with the neurological symptoms. A prospective study that assesses the efficacy of this promising and inexpensive treatment for OMS is warranted.
机译:每28天口服高剂量地塞米松(DEX)脉冲(DEX 20mg / m 2 /天,连续三天)治疗一名患有神经母细胞瘤(NBoma)相关性视神经丛-肌阵挛综合征(OMS)的一岁男孩,肿瘤切除后6个月。在DEX脉冲治疗的第一个疗程后,所有OMS症状均得到改善,而在最后一个疗程后消失。没有观察到不良反应。疾病发作后33个月,他的发育商略有恶化。自治疗以来一直维持NBoma缓解。在进行DEX脉冲治疗之前,T淋巴细胞,特别是CD4阳性细胞的频率显着下降,导致外周血(PB)的CD4 / 8比降低。 B淋巴细胞的频率增加,尤其是在脑脊液中。 PB中的这些异常值通过DEX脉冲疗法逆转,并与神经系统症状良好相关。有必要进行一项前瞻性研究,以评估这种有前途且廉价的OMS治疗方法的疗效。



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