首页> 外文期刊>Brain & Development >Focal EEG abnormalities might reflect neuropathological characteristics of pervasive developmental disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Focal EEG abnormalities might reflect neuropathological characteristics of pervasive developmental disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder


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Neurophysiological characteristics in electroencephalograms (EEG) were investigated for patients with pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) and for patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD). This study examined 64 PDD children and 22 AD/HD children with no history of epilepsy or progressive neurological or psychiatric disorder. We used multivariate analysis to compare EEG abnormalities, clinical symptoms, and intelligence levels between PDD and AD/AD patient groups. Paroxysmal discharges at the frontopolar-frontal (Fp-F) brain regions and background EEG abnormalities tended to be detected preferentially in the PDD group, although paroxysmal discharges at central-temporal (C-T) regions tended to be detected preferentially in the AD/HD group. The paroxysmal discharges observed in patients expressing persistence and impulsivity are apparently localized respectively in the Fp-F and C-T regions. A combination of EEG abnormalities, including background EEG abnormalities and paroxysmal discharges at Fp-F and C-T regions, might be useful diagnostic hallmarks to distinguish PDD with AD/HD from AD/HD alone using a logistic regression model. The dysfunction of specific brain areas associated with EEG abnormalities might explain characteristics of clinical symptoms observed in PDD and AD/HD patients.
机译:研究了广泛性发育障碍(PDD)和注意力缺陷/多动障碍(AD / HD)患者的脑电图(EEG)的神经生理学特征。这项研究检查了64名PDD儿童和22名AD / HD儿童,他们没有癫痫病史或进行性神经病学或精神病学史。我们使用多元分析来比较PDD和AD / AD患者组之间的脑电图异常,临床症状和智力水平。在PDD组中倾向于优先检测额极额叶(Fp-F)脑区域的阵发性放电和背景性EEG异常,而在AD / HD组中倾向于优先检测在中央颞部(CT)区域的阵发性放电。 。在表现持续性和冲动性的患者中观察到的阵发性放电显然分别位于Fp-F和C-T区域。脑电图异常的组合,包括背景脑电图异常和Fp-F和C-T区的阵发性放电,可能是有用的诊断标志,可通过逻辑回归模型将具有AD / HD的PDD与仅具有AD / HD的PDD区别开来。与脑电图异常相关的特定大脑区域功能障碍可能解释了在PDD和AD / HD患者中观察到的临床症状特征。



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