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Behavioral and psychiatric disorders in Prader-Willi syndrome: A population study in Japan


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Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a genetically determined neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by mental retardation and distinct physical, behavioral, and psychiatric features. Based on parents' questionnaires, we examined the prevalence of behavioral and psychiatric disorders of 165 persons with PWS aged 2-31 years in Japan. The data were analyzed comparing four different age groups with PWS: group 1, 2-5 years (?= 34); group 2, 6-11 years (n = 57); group 3, 12-17 years (w = 45); and group 4, 18-31 years (w = 29). Further, we compared the results of our PWS group 4 with those of 42 age-, gender-, and intelligence level-matched intellectual disability (ID) individuals without PWS. Our results showed that repetitive speech and stubbornness were prominent from early childhood and other behavioral problems such as hyperphagia, stealing food, temper tantrums, lying, and emotional lability tended to be more frequent with age among persons with PWS. Moreover, young adults with PWS have significantly higher rates of behavioral and psychiatric disorders than IDs without PWS, such as stubbornness, hyperphagia, temper tantrums, self-injurious behavior (skin picking), hypersomnia, inactivity, and delusion. Degree of obesity was not necessarily related to behavioral and psychiatric features associated with PWS. Our findings revealed that persons with PWS are more vulnerable to behavioral and psychiatric disorders particularly in young adulthood compared to those with ID from other etiologies in Japan.
机译:普拉德·威利综合症(PWS)是遗传确定的神经发育障碍,其特征在于智力低下以及独特的身体,行为和精神病学特征。根据父母的问卷调查,我们调查了日本2至31岁的165名PWS患者的行为和精神疾病患病率。通过比较四个不同年龄组与PWS的数据进行分析:第1组,2-5岁(?= 34);第2组,6-11岁(n = 57);第3组,12-17岁(w = 45);第4组,年龄18-31岁(w = 29)。此外,我们将PWS第4组的结果与42名年龄,性别和与智力水平相匹配的无PWS的智障(ID)个人的结果进行了比较。我们的研究结果表明,随着年龄的增长,PWS患者的讲话重复性和顽固性在幼儿期以及其他行为问题(例如食欲亢进,偷吃食物,发脾气,撒谎和情绪不稳)中更加明显。此外,患有PWS的年轻人比没有PWS的ID的行为和精神疾病的发生率要高得多,例如hyper强,食欲亢进,发脾气,自残行为(挑皮),失眠,不活动和妄想。肥胖程度不一定与PWS相关的行为和精神病特征有关。我们的研究结果表明,与来自日本其他病因的具有ID的人相比,患有PWS的人更容易受到行为和精神疾病的困扰,尤其是在成年后。



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