首页> 外文期刊>European journal of cancer care >Thoughts on the therapeutic use of narrative in the promotion of coping in cancer care.

Thoughts on the therapeutic use of narrative in the promotion of coping in cancer care.


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When a life is struck by cancer the very foundations of that life are shaken. The safety of 'everydayness' is replaced with a fear and uncertainty of tomorrow and the human need to make sense of life is the driving force behind coping. After initial diagnosis patients must begin to piece together their lives and build new and stronger foundations. This paper identifies a growing awareness of the role that narratives can play in helping cancer patients cope with their illness. Narratives can be used to objectify and distance oneself from problems in order to gain understanding, establish meaning, develop greater self-knowledge and decrease emotional distress. This review concludes that narratives can help patients cope with their cancer and urges nurses to incorporate the use of narratives into their practice.
机译:当生命被癌症侵袭时,生命的根基就会动摇。 “日常”的安全性被对明天的恐惧和不确定性所取代,人类对生活的理解是应对的动力。初步诊断后,患者必须开始拼凑生活,并建立新的更牢固的基础。本文表明,人们越来越意识到叙事在帮助癌症患者应对疾病中所起的作用。叙事可以用来使问题客观化并远离问题,从而获得理解,建立意义,发展更大的自我知识并减少情绪困扰。这篇综述得出的结论是,叙事可以帮助患者应对癌症,并敦促护士将叙事的使用纳入其实践中。



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