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OXALIC ACID: Effective & Easu On Bees, But. . .

机译:草酸:对蜜蜂有效且容易。 。 。

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Years ago, while still working on my graduate degree, I met Dr. Marion Ellis, a professor of Entomology at the University of Nebraska. I was still very "green" because it was my second year as a beekeeper. I am sure, as either newbies or seasoned beekeepers, that you remember what it was like when you first entered into the beekeeping fold. Do you recall your first hives? Do you remember your excitement at going to your first meetings or lectures, and the resulting 5,862 questions that you asked? There were the magazine articles you perused, the books you read (and re-read), and the catalogs you poured over. The contraptions pictured in the catalogs left me wondering, "What in the heck do you use that for?!?" Remember ordering your first equipment and trying to sound intelligent while doing so? "Yes, I would like a brood excluder please, and I need one drone and some of that comb frames with wired boards, I mean bars." Do you remember the good ole days when you stumbled around the bee yard in awe of the activity level and slightly intimidated about interfering with their important comings and goings by opening the hives?
机译:几年前,在继续攻读研究生学位的同时,我遇到了内布拉斯加大学昆虫学教授Marion Ellis博士。我还是非常“绿色”的,因为这是我第二年担任养蜂人。我相信,无论是新手还是经验丰富的养蜂人,您都记得当初进入养蜂场时的情况。您还记得初次蜂箱吗?您还记得第一次参加会议或讲座时的兴奋以及您提出的5,862个问题吗?有您阅读的杂志文章,您阅读(和重新阅读)的书以及您倾倒的目录。目录中显示的装置让我想知道:“您到底要用它做什么?!?”还记得订购您的第一台设备并尝试使之听起来智能吗? “是的,我想要一个育雏器,我需要一架无人驾驶飞机和一些带有接线板的梳子架,我是说棒。”您是否还记得美好的欢乐时光,当您对活动水平感到敬畏时跌跌撞撞地走到蜜蜂院子里,并因害怕通过打开蜂巢来干扰它们的重要来去而感到有点害怕吗?



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