首页> 外文期刊>Bio-medical materials and engineering >International harmonization of generic drugs: in vitro dissolution tests for Japanese and American generic tablets.

International harmonization of generic drugs: in vitro dissolution tests for Japanese and American generic tablets.


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Ibuprofen tablets on the market in Japan and the USA were compared by manual- and automatic-dissolution tests according to USP24 criteria. Dissolution test were performed in 900 ml of phosphate buffer of pH 7.2 at 37.0+/-0.5 degrees C at 50 rpm for 60 min, and the time required for 70% dissolution (T70%) and 5% dissolution after 60 min (A60) were evaluated. The dissolution profiles of both Japanese and American tablets by the automatic-method showed almost the same profiles as those of the manual method. T70% of the American and Japanese tablets by the manual method were not significantly different (p>0.05) from the automatic-method at various sampling positions. The A60 of the American and Japanese tablets by the manual-method was not significantly different (p>0.05) except at one position. The results indicate that the automatic-method was more reproducible than the manual-method, and also that systematic error was negligible. The T70% and A60 of the American tablets were significantly different (p<0.05) from the Japanese tablets. The American tablets were a film-coated over-the-counter drug and the Japanese tablets were a sugar-coated prescription drug. There was a difference in dissolution behavior between the dosage forms of the two countries.
机译:根据USP24标准,通过手动和自动溶出度测试比较了日本和美国市场上的布洛芬片剂。在37.0 +/- 0.5摄氏度,900毫升磷酸盐缓冲液,37.0 +/- 0.5摄氏度,50 rpm下进行溶出度测试60分钟,溶出70%(T70%)和5%溶出60分钟后所需的时间(A60)被评估。日本和美国片剂通过自动方法的溶出曲线显示出与手动方法几乎相同的溶出曲线。在各个采样位置,采用手动方法的美国和日本片剂的T70%与自动方法没有显着差异(p> 0.05)。美国和日本片剂的A60手动方法除在一个位置上没有显着差异(p> 0.05)。结果表明,与手动方法相比,自动方法具有更高的可重复性,并且系统误差可忽略不计。美国片剂的T70%和A60与日本片剂显着不同(p <0.05)。美国药片是薄膜衣的非处方药,日本药片是糖衣的处方药。两国的剂型在溶出度方面存在差异。



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