首页> 外文期刊>European journal of anaesthesiology >Influence of high-dose intraoperative remifentanil with or without amantadine on postoperative pain intensity and morphine consumption in major abdominal surgery patients: A randomised trial

Influence of high-dose intraoperative remifentanil with or without amantadine on postoperative pain intensity and morphine consumption in major abdominal surgery patients: A randomised trial


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BACKGROUND Human volunteer studies demonstrate ketamine- reversible opioid-induced hyperalgesia, consistent with reports of increased postoperative pain and analgesic consumption. However, recent clinical trials showed controversial results after intraoperative administration of high-dose remifentanil. OBJECTIVE To investigate in lower abdominal surgery patients whether postoperative pain intensity and analgesic consumption are increased following intraoperative highdose vs. low-dose remifentanil, and whether this could be prevented by preoperative administration of the NMDA antagonist amantadine. DESIGN Randomised, placebo-controlled, clinical study. SETTING University hospital. PATIENTS Sixty patients scheduled for elective major lower abdominal surgery. INTERVENTIONS Patients were randomly assigned to one of three anaesthetic regimens. First, in the group 'low-dose remifentanil and preoperative isotonic saline' (n15), a remifentanil infusion was maintained at a rate of 0.1mgkg1 min1 throughout anaesthesia, and the end-tidal concentration of sevoflurane started at 0.5 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) and was increased by 0.2% increments according to clinical demand. Preoperatively, 500 ml NaCl 0.9% were infused as study solution. Second, in the group 'high-dose remifentanil and preoperative saline' (n17), the end-tidal concentration of sevoflurane was maintained at 0.5 MAC throughout anaesthesia. A remifentanil infusion was started at a rate of 0.2mgkg1 min1 and subsequently increased by 0.05mgkg1 min1 increments to clinical demand. Preoperatively, these patients also received a solution of 500 ml NaCl 0.9% as study solution. Third, the group 'high-dose remifentanil and preoperative amantadine' (n16) received the same anaesthetic protocol as the second group, but the preoperative study solution was substituted by amantadine (200 mg/500 ml). MAINOUTCOMEMEASURES Pain intensity measured by the numerical rating scale and cumulative morphine consumption. RESULTS The remifentanil dose in both high-dose groups was significantly higher compared with the low-dose remifentanil group (0.200.04 and 0.230.02 vs. 0.080.04mgkg1 min1; P<0.001). Pain intensity gradually increased up to 45 min postoperatively in all groups, and then decreased again towards low levels in parallel with a linear increase in morphine consumption. Postoperative pain intensity and morphine consumption did not significantly differ between groups. Moreover, preoperative amantadine revealed no additional benefit. CONCLUSION We were not able to demonstrate any nfluence on routine clinical outcome parameters of pain after high-dose remifentanil. Although not without limitations, these findings are in line with other clinical trials that could not detect an opioid-induced impact on postoperative pain parameters, which might be less sensitive to detect opioid-induced hyperalgesia compared with quantitative sensory testing. TRIAL REGISTRATION DRKS00004626.
机译:背景技术人类志愿者研究表明氯胺酮可逆的阿片样物质引起的痛觉过敏,与术后疼痛和止痛药消耗增加的报道一致。但是,最近的临床试验显示,在术中给予大剂量瑞芬太尼后,结果存在争议。目的探讨下腹部手术患者在术中大剂量与小剂量瑞芬太尼相比,术后疼痛强度和止痛药用量是否增加,以及是否可以通过术前给予NMDA拮抗剂金刚烷胺来预防。设计随机,安慰剂对照的临床研究。地点大学医院。患者60例计划进行下腹部大手术。干预措施将患者随机分配至三种麻醉方案之一。首先,在“小剂量瑞芬太尼和术前等渗生理盐水”(n15)组中,瑞芬太尼在整个麻醉过程中的输注速率均维持在0.1mgkg1 min1,潮气末的七氟醚终浓度开始于最低肺泡浓度0.5(MAC ),并根据临床需求增加了0.2%。术前输注500 ml 0.9%NaCl作为研究溶液。其次,在“大剂量瑞芬太尼和术前盐水”组(n17)中,整个麻醉过程中七氟醚的潮气末浓度保持在0.5 MAC。瑞芬太尼开始以0.2mgkg1 min1的速度输注,随后以临床需要增加0.05mgkg1 min1的增量。术前,这些患者还接受了500 ml 0.9%NaCl溶液作为研究溶液。第三,“大剂量瑞芬太尼和术前金刚烷胺”组(n16)与第二组接受相同的麻醉方案,但术前研究溶液被金刚烷胺(200 mg / 500 ml)替代。主要疼痛指标通过数字评分量表和吗啡累积消费量来衡量疼痛强度。结果两个高剂量组的瑞芬太尼剂量均显着高于低剂量瑞芬太尼组(0.200.04和0.230.02与0.080.04mgkg1 min1; P <0.001)。在所有组中,疼痛强度在术后45分钟内逐渐增加,然后在吗啡消耗呈线性增加的同时再次向低水平降低。两组之间的术后疼痛强度和吗啡消耗量无显着差异。此外,术前金刚烷胺未显示出其他益处。结论我们不能证明大剂量瑞芬太尼后常规的疼痛临床预后参数有任何影响。尽管并非没有限制,但这些发现与其他无法检测阿片类药物对术后疼痛参数的影响的临床试验相符,与定量感官测试相比,阿片类药物对术后痛觉过敏的检测可能不那么敏感。试用注册DRKS00004626。



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