首页> 外文期刊>Environmental microbiology >The role of reduction in iron uptake processes in a unicellular, planktonic cyanobacterium

The role of reduction in iron uptake processes in a unicellular, planktonic cyanobacterium


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In many aquatic environments the essential micronutrient iron is predominantly complexed by a heterogeneous pool of strong organic chelators. Research on iron uptake mechanisms of cyanobacteria inhabiting these environments has focused on endogenous siderophore production and internalization. However, as many cyanobacterial species do not produce siderophores, alternative Fe acquisition mechanisms must exist. Here we present a study of the iron uptake pathways in the unicellular, planktonic, non-siderophore producing strain Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. By applying trace metal clean techniques and a chemically controlled growth medium we obtained reliable and reproducible short-term (radioactive assays) and long-term (growth experiments) iron uptake rates. We found that Synechocystis 6803 is capable of acquiring iron from exogenous ferrisiderophores (Ferrioxamine-B, FeAerobactin) and that unchelated, inorganic Fe is a highly available source of iron. Inhibition of iron uptake by the Fe(II)-specific ligand, ferrozine, indicated that reduction of both inorganic iron and ferrisiderophore complexes occurs before transport through the plasma membrane. Measurements of iron reduction rates and the inhibitory effect of ferrozine on growth supported this conclusion. The reduction-based uptake strategy is well suited for acquiring iron from multiple complexes in dilute aquatic environments and may play an important role in other cyanobacterial strains.
机译:在许多水生环境中,必需的微量营养素铁主要是由强有机螯合剂的异质库组成。居住在这些环境中的蓝细菌对铁的摄取机制的研究集中于内源性铁载体的产生和内在化。但是,由于许多蓝细菌不会产生铁载体,因此必须存在替代的铁捕获机制。在这里,我们介绍单细胞,浮游,非铁载体产生菌株Synechocystis sp铁摄取途径的研究。 PCC6803。通过应用痕量金属清洁技术和化学控制的生长培养基,我们获得了可靠且可重现的短期(放射性测定)和长期(生长实验)铁摄取率。我们发现拟球藻6803能够从外源性铁铁载体(铁氧嘧啶-B,FeAerobactin)中获得铁,而未经螯合的无机Fe是铁的高度可用来源。 Fe(II)特异性配体ferrozine抑制铁的吸收,表明无机铁和亚铁氰菊酯络合物的还原均在通过质膜转运之前发生。铁还原率的测定​​和铁锌对生长的抑制作用支持了这一结论。基于还原的吸收策略非常适合在稀水环境中从多种络合物中获取铁,并可能在其他蓝细菌菌株中发挥重要作用。



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