首页> 外文期刊>Environmental microbiology >Identifying the lethal fish egg parasite lchthyodiniumchabelardi as a member of Marine Alveolate Group I

Identifying the lethal fish egg parasite lchthyodiniumchabelardi as a member of Marine Alveolate Group I

机译:确定致命的鱼卵寄生虫lchthyodiniumchabelardi为Marine Alveolate Group I的成员

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Cells of the parasitic, unicellular eukaryote lchthyod-inium chabelardi were isolated from eggs of sardine(Sardina pilchardus) and from a previously unrecog-nized host, bogue (Boops boops), off the Atlanticcoast of Portugal. Immediately after release from theinfected fish egg or newly hatched larva, I. chabelardicells were spherical and non-motile. After few minutes,spherical cells became flagellated and motile. Follow-ing 2-3 days of incubation and several divisions,spherical flagellated cells developed a twisted elon-gate shape and moved vigorously. Sequences of thesmall-subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA) wereidentical for L chabelardi of both hosts and so weresequences of ITS1, ITS2 and the 5.8S rRNA gene. Thisgenetic similarity suggests that eggs of sardine andbogue were infected by one single population of I. cha-belardi. The SSU rRNA gene sequence of I. chabelardiwas, in turn, 97% similar to those of two identical Asianisolates of lchthyodinium sp. Phylogenetic analysesshowed high support for the inclusion of lchthyod-inium in the so-called Marine Alveolate Group I (MAGI).Two morphologically well-described genera, namelylchthyodinium and Dubosquella, have now beenshown to belong to this group of seemingly exclu-sively parasitic alveolates.
机译:从沙丁鱼卵(Sardina pilchardus)以及以前未认识的寄主博格(Boops boops)分离出寄生的单细胞真核生物lchthyod-in chabelardi的细胞,这些细胞来自葡萄牙大西洋沿岸。从受感染的鱼卵或刚孵出的幼虫中释放出来的沙贝拉氏菌立即呈球形,不能活动。几分钟后,球形细胞开始鞭毛运动。经过2-3天的温育和几次分裂,球形鞭毛细胞呈扭曲的elon-gate形状并剧烈运动。小亚基核糖体RNA基因(SSU rDNA)的序列与两个宿主的L chabelardi相同,而ITS1,ITS2和5.8S rRNA基因的序列相同。这种遗传相似性表明,沙丁鱼和鲍格卵被一个单一的伊贝拉伊贝目虫感染。 Chabelardiwas的SSU rRNA基因序列又与lthyyodinium sp的两个相同的亚洲分离株的序列相似,为97%。系统发育分析表明,对将鱼鳞内铟包含在所谓的I级海洋藻酸酯组(MAGI)中具有很高的支持力。现已证明,形态学上有两个描述的属,即鱼thy草属和Dubosquella属,这似乎是排他性的寄生性肺泡藻类。 。



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