首页> 外文期刊>Environmental microbiology >Oxygen sensing drives predictable migrations in a microbial community

Oxygen sensing drives predictable migrations in a microbial community


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Oxygen sensing is widely practised by aerobic organisms ranging from bacteria to vertebrates, and a dominant oxygen-sensing mechanism may persist among all aerobes. We traced population migrations of 10 species of the larger aerobic ciliated protozoa living in lake sediment, and in the 15 m water column of Esthwaite Water in the English Lake District (UK). In so doing, we discovered that the character and dynamics of the lake sediment and water column were remarkably predictable in performance over a continuous period of almost 2 years. Increasing warming of the lake sediment, coupled with low oxygen tension, resulted in the emergence of aerobic ciliates out of the sediment and their migration into the water column. And with the annual collapse of thermal stratification in the water column, the whole annual cycle was repeated. In an unusual discovery, we found that particular ciliate species seemed to be 'linked' to other (functionally different) ciliate species partners via the ambient oxygen tension. The favoured hypothesis is that all ciliate species in a particular body-size range seek out a particular, preferred oxygen tension. If that is the case, the 'cement' providing the cohesion of the ciliate community might actually be the preferred oxygen tension. The principal aim of our study is to clarify the microbial migration itself, not the response of the different ciliate species to oxygen gradients once they have established themselves in the water column. The latter happens once the organisms have migrated out of the sediment together, driven by the ambient oxygen tension.
机译:从细菌到脊椎动物,好氧生物广泛采用氧气感测,而占主导地位的氧气感测机制可能会在所有需氧菌中持续存在。我们追踪了生活在湖泊沉积物中以及英国湖区(英国)Esthwaite Water的15 m水柱中的10种较大的有氧纤毛虫原生动物的种群迁移。通过这样做,我们发现湖沉积物和水柱的特征和动力学在连续近2年的连续运行中具有明显的可预测性。湖泊沉积物变暖的加剧,加上低氧压,导致有氧纤毛虫从沉积物中出来,并迁移到水柱中。随着水层中热分层的逐年崩溃,整个年度循环得以重复。在一个不寻常的发现中,我们发现特定的纤毛虫物种似乎是通过环境氧气张力与其他(功能不同)纤毛虫物种伙伴“联系”在一起的。有利的假设是,在特定体型范围内的所有纤毛虫都寻求特定的,优选的氧张力。如果是这样,提供纤毛虫群落凝聚力的“水泥”实际上可能是首选的氧气张力。我们研究的主要目的是澄清微生物本身的迁移,而不是澄清不同纤毛虫物种在水柱中建立后对氧气梯度的响应。后者发生在环境氧张力驱动下,生物体一起从沉积物中迁移出来时。



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