首页> 外文期刊>Environmental microbiology >The bacterial ecology of plague-like disease affecting the Caribbean coral Montastrea annularis

The bacterial ecology of plague-like disease affecting the Caribbean coral Montastrea annularis

机译:鼠疫样疾病的细菌生态学影响加勒比珊瑚Montastrea ringis

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The bacterial communities associated with the Caribbean coral Montastrea annularis showing tissue lesions indicative of a White Plague (WP)-like disease were investigated. Two molecular screening techniques using bacterial 16S rDNA genes were used and demonstrated distinct differences between the bacterial communities of diseased and non-diseased coral tissues, and also in relation to the proximity of tissue lesions on diseased corals. Differences between non-diseased corals and the apparently healthy tissues remote from the tissue lesion in affected corals indicates a 'whole coral' response to a relatively small area of infection with a perturbation in the normal microbial flora occurring prior to the onset of visible signs of disease. These whole organism changes in the microbial flora may serve as a bionidicator of environmental stress and disease. There were striking similarities between the 16S rDNA sequence composition associated with the WP-like disease studied here and that previously reported in association with black band disease (BBD) in coral. Similarities included the presence of a potential pathogen, an a-proteobacterium identified as the causal agent of juvenile oyster disease (JOD). The WP-like disease studied here is apparently different to WP Type II because the bacterial species previously identified as the casual agent of WP Type II was not detected, although the symptoms of the two diseases are similar.
机译:调查了与加勒比珊瑚Montastrea ringis相关的细菌群落,该细菌群落显示出指示白色瘟疫(WP)样疾病的组织损伤。使用了两种使用细菌16S rDNA基因的分子筛查技术,这些技术证明了患病和未患病的珊瑚组织的细菌群落之间的明显差异,以及与患病珊瑚上组织损伤的接近程度有关。未患病的珊瑚与受影响的珊瑚中远离组织病变的显然健康的组织之间的差异表明,对“较小的珊瑚”的反应是对相对较小的感染区域做出的响应,在正常微生物菌群出现扰动之前就已经出现了明显的迹象。疾病。微生物菌群中的这些整个生物体变化可以充当环境压力和疾病的生物灭活剂。此处研究的与WP样疾病相关的16S rDNA序列组成与以前与珊瑚黑带病(BBD)相关的报道之间存在惊人的相似性。相似之处包括存在潜在的病原体,一种被鉴定为少年牡蛎病(JOD)病原体的变形杆菌。此处研究的类似WP的疾病与II型WP明显不同,这是因为虽然两种疾病的症状相似,但以前未鉴定为II型WP的偶然病原菌。



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