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Apoptosis as a post-phagocytic winnowing mechanism in a coral-dinoflagellate mutualism


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This study was aimed at detecting apoptosis as a post-phagocytic mechanism of symbiont selection during the onset of symbiosis in larvae of the scleractinian coral Fungia scutaria. Larvae were infected with one of three Symbiodinium types: freshly isolated homologous ITS-type C1f from adult F. scutaria, heterologous C31 from adult Montipora capitata, known to be unable to successfully colonize F. scutaria larvae, and type B1 from the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia spp. Apoptosis was detected by the activation of caspases, enzymes specific to apoptosis. Caspase activity was measured in situ by cleavage of a specific fluorophore and detection with confocal microscopy. At 6 h post infection, there was a significant increase in caspase activation in gastrodermal cells in C31-infected larvae, compared with larvae infected with C1f or B1 types. Compared with control larvae infected with C31, which had decreased infection rates present by 24 h post infection, when C31-infected larvae were incubated with a broad-scale caspase inhibitor, the per cent of larvae infected with C31 did not significantly decrease over time. This indicates that the reduction in infection success observed in untreated C31-infected larvae can be rescued with inhibition of caspases and apoptosis. This suggests the presence of a post-phagocytic recognition mechanism. Larvae infected with freshly isolated B1 retained infection success over time compared with C31-infected larvae, suggesting that there is host discrimination between heterologous algae. Initiation of this post-phagocytic response may occur more readily with a highly specific heterologous symbiont type such as C31, compared with a generalist heterologous type such as clade B1.
机译:这项研究的目的是检测凋亡,作为在巩膜珊瑚菌Fun的幼虫共生期间共生选择的吞噬后机制。幼虫感染了三种共生菌类型之一:成年F. scutaria的新鲜分离的同源ITS型C1f,成年的Montipora capitata的异源C31(已知无法成功定殖s。scutaria的幼虫)和B1的共生海葵。 Aiptasia spp。通过激活胱天蛋白酶-凋亡特异性酶-检测细胞凋亡。通过裂解特定的荧光团并用共聚焦显微镜检测原位测定胱天蛋白酶活性。与感染C1f或B1型的幼虫相比,感染后6小时,C31感染的幼虫的胃真皮细胞中胱天蛋白酶的活化显着增加。与感染了C31的对照组幼虫相比,感染后24小时内感染率降低了,当将C31感染的幼虫与大规模的caspase抑制剂一起孵育时,感染C31的幼虫的百分比不会随时间显着降低。这表明可以通过抑制胱天蛋白酶和凋亡来挽救未治疗的C31感染的幼虫感染成功率的降低。这表明存在吞噬后识别机制。与C31感染的幼虫相比,新鲜分离的B1感染的幼虫随着时间的推移保留了成功的感染,表明异源藻类之间存在宿主歧视。与通用异源类型(如进化枝B1)相比,高特异性异源共生类型(如C31)更容易发生这种吞噬后反应。



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