首页> 外文期刊>Environmental microbiology >Evidence for low-titre infections in insect symbiosis:Wolbachia in the bark beetle Pityogeneschalcographus (Coleoptera, Scolytinae)

Evidence for low-titre infections in insect symbiosis:Wolbachia in the bark beetle Pityogeneschalcographus (Coleoptera, Scolytinae)


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Wolbachia are obligatory endosymbiotic a-proteobacteria found in many insect species. Theyare maternally transmitted and often exhibit repro-ductive phenotypes like cytoplasmic incompatibility.Pityogenes chalcographus is a bark beetle causingsevere damage in spruce stands. Its European popu-lations are divided into several mitochondria! cladesseparated by partial crossing barriers. In this study,we tested a large sample set covering the naturalrange of the beetle in Europe for the presenceof Wolbachia and associations between infectionpattern and mitotypes using a highly sensitive nestedPCR technique. 35.5% of the individuals were infectedwith the endosymbiont and two distinct strainswere identified. Both strains occur in low titre notaccessible by conventional detection methods. Theinfections are present all over Europe, unlikely tocause the partial crossing barriers in this host anduncoupled from mitochondria! clades. This pattern isindicative for populations evolving towards endosym-biont loss and for repeated intraspecific horizontaltransfer of Wolbachia. Alternatively, the low-titreinfections found in P. chalcographus are yet anotherexample for Wolbachia that can persist in hostspecies at low densities and frequencies.
机译:沃尔巴氏菌是在许多昆虫物种中发现的强制性内共生α-变形杆菌。它们在母体中传播,并经常表现出生殖性表型,如细胞质不相容性。Pityogenes chalcographus是一种树皮甲虫,在云杉林中会造成严重破坏。它的欧洲人口分为几个线粒体!由部分交叉障碍物隔开。在这项研究中,我们使用高灵敏度的巢式PCR技术测试了覆盖欧洲甲虫自然分布范围的大型样本集,以了解沃尔巴赫菌的存在以及感染模式与线型之间的关联。 35.5%的个体被共生菌感染,并鉴定出两种不同的菌株。两种菌株都以低滴度出现,这是常规检测方法无法获得的。感染遍布欧洲各地,不太可能在该寄主中造成部分交叉障碍并且与线粒体脱钩!进化枝。这种模式对于进化为内共生物损失的种群和反复的沃尔巴克氏菌种内水平转移是有指示意义的。可选地,在P. chalcographus中发现的低滴度感染是Wolbachia的另一个例子,它可以以低密度和低频率在寄主物种中持续存在。



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