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Human distal gut microbiome


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The distal gut and its associated microbiota is a new frontier in the quest to understand human biology and evolution. The renaissance in this field has been partly driven by advances in sequencing technology and also by the application of a variety of 'omic' technologies in a systems biology framework. In the initial stages of understanding what constitutes the gut, culture-independent methods, primarily inventories of 16S rRNA genes, have provided a clear view of the main taxonomic groups of Bacteria in the distal gut and we are now moving towards defining the functions that reside in the distal gut microbiome. This review will explore recent advances in the area of the distal gut and the use of a variety of omic approaches to determine what constitutes this fascinating collection of microbes.
机译:远端肠道及其相关的微生物群是寻求了解人类生物学和进化的新领域。该领域的复兴部分是由于测序技术的进步以及系统生物学框架中各种“组学”技术的应用所驱动。在了解肠道的组成的初始阶段,与文化无关的方法(主要是16S rRNA基因清单)已经清楚地认识了远端肠内细菌的主要分类组,我们现在正朝着确定驻留功能的方向前进在远端肠道微生物组中。这篇综述将探讨远端肠管领域的最新进展,以及使用各种组学方法来确定由什么组成的这种迷人的微生物集合。



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