首页> 外文期刊>Environmental microbiology >Spatial mapping of extracellular oxidant production by a white rot basidiomycete on wood reveals details of ligninolytic mechanism

Spatial mapping of extracellular oxidant production by a white rot basidiomycete on wood reveals details of ligninolytic mechanism


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Summary: Oxidative cleavage of the recalcitrant plant polymer lignin is a crucial step in global carbon cycling, and is accomplished most efficiently by fungi that cause white rot of wood. These basidiomycetes secrete many enzymes and metabolites with proposed ligninolytic roles, and it is not clear whether all of these agents are physiologically important during attack on natural lignocellulosic substrates. One new approach to this problem is to infer properties of ligninolytic oxidants from their spatial distribution relative to the fungus on the lignocellulose. We grew Phanerochaete chrysosporium on wood sections in the presence of oxidant-sensing beads based on the ratiometric fluorescent dye BODIPY 581/591. The beads, having fixed locations relative to the fungal hyphae, enabled spatial mapping of cumulative extracellular oxidant distributions by confocal fluorescence microscopy. The results showed that oxidation gradients occurred around the hyphae, and data analysis using a mathematical reaction-diffusion model indicated that the dominant oxidant during incipient white rot had a half-life under 0.1s. The best available hypothesis is that this oxidant is the cation radical of the secreted P.chrysosporium metabolite veratryl alcohol.
机译:摘要:难分解的植物聚合物木质素的氧化裂解是全球碳循环的关键步骤,并且通过引起木材白腐的真菌最有效地完成。这些担子菌分泌具有提议的木质素分解作用的许多酶和代谢物,尚不清楚所有这些药剂在攻击天然木质纤维素底物期间是否在生理上重要。解决该问题的一种新方法是根据木质素分解氧化剂相对于木质纤维素上真菌的空间分布来推断其性质。在基于比例荧光染料BODIPY 581/591的氧化剂颗粒下,我们在木材切片上生长了Phanerochaete chrysosporium。相对于真菌菌丝具有固定位置的珠子可以通过共聚焦荧光显微镜对累积的细胞外氧化剂分布进行空间定位。结果表明,菌丝周围出现了氧化梯度,使用数学反应扩散模型进行的数据分析表明,初期白腐病中的主要氧化剂的半衰期在0.1s以下。最好的假设是该氧化剂是分泌的P.chrysosporium代谢产物藜芦醇的阳离子自由基。



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