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Whole-genome analysis of the ammonia-oxidizing bacterium, Nitrosomonas eutropha C91: implications for niche adaptation

机译:全基因组分析的氨氧化细菌,Nitrosomonas eutropha C91:对生态位适应的影响。

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Analysis of the structure and inventory of the genome of Nitrosomonas eutropha C91 revealed distinctive features that may explain the adaptation of N. eutropha-like bacteria to N-saturated ecosystems. Multiple gene-shuffling events are apparent, including mobilized and replicated transposition, as well as plasmid or phage integration events into the 2.66 Mbp chromosome and two plasmids (65 and 56 kbp) of N. eutropha C91. A 117 kbp genomic island encodes multiple genes for heavy metal resistance, including clusters for copper and mercury transport, which are absent from the genomes of other ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB). Whereas the sequences of the two ammonia monooxygenase and three hydroxylamine oxidoreductase gene clusters in N. eutropha C91 are highly similar to those of Nitrosomonas europaea ATCC 19718, a break of synteny in the regions flanking these clusters in each genome is evident. Nitrosomonas eutropha C91 encodes four gene clusters for distinct classes of haem-copper oxidases, two of which are not found in other aerobic AOB. This diversity of terminal oxidases may explain the adaptation of N. eutropha to environments with variable O-2 concentrations and/or high concentrations of nitrogen oxides. As with N. europaea, the N. eutropha genome lacks genes for urease metabolism, likely disadvantaging nitrosomonads in low-nitrogen or acidic ecosystems. Taken together, this analysis revealed significant genomic variation between N. eutropha C91 and other AOB, even the closely related N. europaea, and several distinctive properties of the N. eutropha genome that are supportive of niche specialization.
机译:对富营养亚硝化单胞菌C91基因组的结构和清单进行的分析揭示了独特的特征,这些特征可以解释富营养芽孢杆菌样细菌对氮饱和生态系统的适应性。多种基因改组事件是显而易见的,包括动员和复制的转座,以及质粒或噬菌体整合事件进入富营养猪笼草C91的2.66 Mbp染色体和两个质粒(65和56 kbp)。一个117 kbp的基因组岛编码多个重金属抗性基因,包括铜和汞转运的簇,而其他氨氧化细菌(AOB)的基因组中却没有这些簇。尽管富营养猪笼草C91中的两个氨单加氧酶和三个羟胺氧化还原酶基因簇的序列与欧洲亚硝化单胞菌ATCC 19718的序列高度相似,但在每个基因组中这些簇侧的区域却出现了同义断裂。富氧亚硝化单胞菌C91编码用于不同类别的血红铜氧化酶的四个基因簇,其中两个在其他有氧AOB中找不到。末端氧化酶的这种多样性可以解释富营养猪笼草对具有可变O-2浓度和/或高浓度氮氧化物的环境的适应性。与欧洲猪笼草一样,富营养猪笼草的基因组缺乏脲酶代谢的基因,这可能不利于低氮或酸性生态系统中的亚硝基磺酰胺。两者合计,该分析揭示了富营养猪笼草C91和其他AOB,甚至是密切相关的欧洲猪笼草之间的显着基因组变异,以及富营养猪笼草基因组的一些独特特性,这些特性支持利基化专业化。



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