首页> 外文期刊>Environmental microbiology >Neorickettsia risticii is vertically transmitted in the trematode Acanthatrium oregonense and horizontally transmitted to bats

Neorickettsia risticii is vertically transmitted in the trematode Acanthatrium oregonense and horizontally transmitted to bats


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Potomac horse fever is known to be transmitted through the ingestion of caddisflies parasitized with Neorickettsia (formerly Ehrlichia) risticii-infected metacercaria. However, the species of trematode involved and how N. risticii is maintained in nature are unknown. In this study, gravid trematodes were recovered from the intestines of 12 out of 15 Eptesicus fuscus big brown bats and eight out of nine Myotis lucifugus little brown bats from various sites in Pennsylvania, USA. Trematode specimens isolated from six E. fuscus bats contained N. risticii DNA. The trematode was identified as Acanthatrium oregonense. N. risticii was detected within individual trematode eggs by polymerase chain reaction as well as by immunofluorescence labelling with an anti-N. risticii antibody, indicating that N. risticii is vertically transmitted (from adult to egg) in A. oregonense. Furthermore, N. risticii DNA was detected in the blood, liver or spleen of 23 out of 53 E. fuscus and M. lucifugus bats, suggesting that N. risticii can also be transmitted horizontally from trematode to bat. These results indicate that A. oregonense is a natural reservoir and probably a vector of N. risticii.
机译:已知波托马克马热是通过摄入寄生有新立克次体(以前称为埃里希氏菌)的毛meta虫寄生的尸体而传播的。但是,尚不知道所涉及的吸虫的种类以及在自然界中如何保持猪笼草。在这项研究中,从美国宾夕法尼亚州的不同地点,从15株褐斑病大棕色蝙蝠中的12株和9株九头Myotis lucifugus小褐蝙蝠的肠中回收了妊娠性吸虫。从6个紫茎蝠中分离出的吸虫标本含有N. risticii DNA。该吸虫被鉴定为牛棘皮。通过聚合酶链反应以及抗N的免疫荧光标记,在单个吸虫卵中检出了猪笼形猪笼草。 risticii抗体,表明在猪链球菌中,N。risticii是垂直传播的(从成虫到卵)。此外,在53株真双歧杆菌和lucifugus蝙蝠中,有23种在血液,肝脏或脾脏中检出了N. risticii DNA,这表明Risticii。N.也可以从吸虫向水平方向传播。这些结果表明牛至农杆菌是天然的贮藏室,并且可能是猪笼状猪笼草的媒介。



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