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Relevance of ammonium oxidation within biological soil crust communities


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Thin, vertically structured topsoil communities that become ecologically important in arid regions (biological soil crusts or BSCs) are responsible for much of the nitrogen inputs into pristine arid lands. We studied N-2 fixation and ammonium oxidation (AO) at subcentimetre resolution within BSCs from the Colorado Plateau. Pools of dissolved porewater nitrateitrite, ammonium and organic nitrogen in wetted BSCs were high in comparison with those typical of aridosoils. They remained stable during incubations, indicating that input and output processes were of similar magnitude. Areal N-2 fixation rates (6.5-48 mumol C2H2 m(-2) h(-1)) were high, the vertical distribution of N-2 fixation peaking close to the surface if populations of heterocystous cyanobacteria were present, but in the subsurface if they were absent. Areal AO rates (19-46 mumol N m(-2) h(-1)) were commensurate with N-2 fixation inputs. When considering oxygen availability, AO activity invariably peaked 2-3 mm deep and was limited by oxygen (not ammonium) supply. Most probable number (MPN)-enumerated ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (6.7-7.9 x 10(3) cells g(-1) on average) clearly peaked at 2-3 mm depth. Thus, AO (hence nitrification) is a spatially restricted but important process in the nitrogen cycling of BSC, turning much of the biologically fixed nitrogen into oxidized forms, the fate of which remains to be determined.
机译:在干旱地区(生物土壤结皮或BSC)在生态上具有重要意义的稀薄的垂直结构表土群落是向原始干旱土地输入大量氮的原因。我们研究了科罗拉多高原BSC中亚二分之一分辨率下的N-2固定和铵氧化(AO)。湿润的生物安全柜中溶解的孔隙水硝酸盐/亚硝酸盐,铵和有机氮的储量要比普通土壤高。它们在孵育过程中保持稳定,表明输入和输出过程的大小相似。地域N-2固定率(6.5-48μmolC2H2 m(-2)h(-1))高,如果存在异囊藻蓝藻种群,则N-2固定的垂直分布在表面附近达到峰值,但是在如果它们不存在,则地下。地域AO率(19-46摩尔Nm(-2)h(-1))与N-2固定输入相当。当考虑到氧气供应时,AO活性始终会达到2-3毫米深,并受氧气(非铵)供应的限制。最可能数(MPN)枚举的氨氧化细菌(平均6.7-7.9 x 10(3)个细胞g(-1)细胞)在2-3毫米深度处明显达到峰值。因此,AO(因此硝化)是BSC氮循环中受空间限制但重要的过程,它将许多生物固定的氮转化为氧化形式,其命运尚待确定。



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