首页> 外文期刊>Eurasian Soil Science >Changes in the properties of dark chestnut soils under the impact of long-term irrigation (the Kakhovka irrigation system)

Changes in the properties of dark chestnut soils under the impact of long-term irrigation (the Kakhovka irrigation system)


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Changes in some physical and chemical properties of dark chestnut soils irrigated for 27 years with fresh water from the Kakhovka irrigation canal are discussed. Statistical characteristics of the chemical composition of the irrigation water in the Kakhovka irrigation system are given for 1975-2001. It is shown that the water is generally suitable for irrigation, though its pH increases regularly in the summer. The long-term soil irrigation has resulted in a rise in the groundwater level and the substitution of the irrigation-induced hydromorphic percolative water regime for an automorphic nonpercolative water regime. The soils have remained nonsaline. The leaching of calcium carbonates beyond the soil profile and the enrichment of the soil adsorption complex within the layer of 0-1 m in magnesium have been registered.
机译:讨论了使用Kakhovka灌溉渠灌溉淡水27年的深色栗树土壤某些物理和化学性质的变化。给出了1975-2001年Kakhovka灌溉系统中灌溉水化学成分的统计特征。结果表明,尽管夏季pH值定期升高,但通常适合灌溉。长期的土壤灌溉导致地下水位上升,并用灌溉诱导的水形渗滤水方案代替了自渗非渗滤水方案。土壤仍然没有盐分。已经记录了碳酸钙在土壤剖面之外的淋溶和镁在0-1 m层内土壤吸附复合物的富集。



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