首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Justice >Nuclear Catastrophe, Disaster-Related Environmental Injustice, and Fukushima, Japan: Prima-Facie Evidence for a Japanese 'Katrina'

Nuclear Catastrophe, Disaster-Related Environmental Injustice, and Fukushima, Japan: Prima-Facie Evidence for a Japanese 'Katrina'


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Because Japan has few minorities, one might expect that its environmental-injustice (EI) threats are rare. This article suggests they are not rare. It also shows that prima-facie evidence for EI arises not only because of siting noxious or polluting facilities in poor or minority communities, but also because of racism and classism that cause disaster-related environmental injustice (DREI)—like that occurring after Hurricane Katrina. Using the 2011 Japanese Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear disaster (FD) asa preliminary case study— despite the limits of available, ultima-facie information about FD harms—the article argues for four claims. (1) Before the FD accident, prima-facie evidence shows that poor people, ''black" (buraku) blue-collar workers, andchildren were EI victims whose poverty and powerless caused them to accept the risky FD siting. (2) Before the accident, prima-facie evidence likewise shows that these same EI victims bore higher medical risks because of allowable FD radiation releases.(3) Post-accident, prima-facie evidence reveals that government failed to adequately assist or evacuate children and poor people living near the plant, and also harmed nearby children, poor people, and buraku by weakening radiation standards. (4) Post-accident, prima-facieevidence also suggests that government and industry have covered up many radiation risks and failed to provide El-victim involvement in FD-related cleanup and decision making. The article closes with suggestions for further research that is able to assess the ultima-facie case for FD EI.
机译:由于日本的少数民族很少,因此人们可能会认为其环境不公正(EI)威胁很少见。本文表明它们并不罕见。它还表明,EI的表面证据不仅是由于在贫困或少数族裔社区中放置有害或污染的设施,而且还因为种族主义和阶级主义导致了与灾难有关的环境不公正(DREI),就像卡特里娜飓风后发生的那样。文章以2011年日本福岛第一核电站灾难(FD)为初步案例研究,尽管有关FD危害的现有的最终证据信息有限,但本文提出了四项主张。 (1)在FD事故发生之前,初步证据表明,穷人,“黑”(buraku)蓝领工人和儿童是EI的受害者,他们的贫穷和无能为力使他们接受了有风险的FD选址。在事故中,初步证据同样表明,由于允许的FD辐射释放,这些相同的EI受害者承受更高的医疗风险。(3)事故后的初步证据表明,政府未能充分援助或疏散儿童和贫困人口(4)事故发生后的初步证据还表明,政府和工业界掩盖了许多辐射风险,但未能提供被害人参与在结束与FD相关的清理和决策方面,本文提供了一些建议,以供进一步研究,以评估FD EI的最终情况。



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