首页> 外文期刊>Endangered species research >Insights into North Pacific right whale Eubalaena japonica habitat from historic whaling records

Insights into North Pacific right whale Eubalaena japonica habitat from historic whaling records

机译:从历史捕鲸记录中了解北太平洋右鲸Eubalaena japonica栖息地

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Whaling records from the mid-1800s provide the largest set of observations with which to conduct a basin-scale analysis of potential North Pacific right whale Eubalaena japonica habitat. Since these data lack the concurrent oceanographic data necessary to investigate the species’habitat characteristics I used ocean climate from a 20th century circulation model to create a suitable set of habitat predictors. My goals were to (1) identify regions of suitable habitat and (2)investigate the processes underlying the species–habitat relationship by (3) examining model performance at different spatial and temporal scales. The results show 2 non-overlapping habitat regions in the subarctic North Pacific, supporting the notion of 2 distinct subpopulations. The analysis also implicates surface temperature and temperature variability as strong indicators of potential right whale habitat. Tests of model performance at different scales strongly suggest that at the basin-scale, right whales use regions of cold water with low inter-annual variability and high within-season variability (i.e. areas where high frontal activity occurs predictably from year to year). The significance of these indicators decreased at the egional scale emphasising the coupling of scale and process, and thus the need for different predictors at different scales. Comparisons of models built using different subsets of the dependent data showed how hypotheses can be tested and potential biases in observational data can be explored. Analyses of rare species’ habitat such as this can provide guidance for more directed survey efforts and help identify areas and processes of potential biological importance.
机译:1800年代中期的捕鲸记录提供了最大的观测数据集,可用于对北太平洋露脊鲸Eubalaena japonica栖息地进行盆地规模的分析。由于这些数据缺乏调查该物种栖息地特征所需的并行海洋学数据,因此我使用了20世纪环流模型中的海洋气候来创建一组合适的栖息地预测因子。我的目标是(1)确定合适的栖息地区域,以及(2)通过(3)在不同的时空尺度上检查模型性能来研究物种与栖息地关系的基础过程。结果表明,北北极亚太平洋有2个不重叠的栖息地,支持2个不同的亚种群的概念。分析还暗示表面温度和温度变化是潜在右鲸栖息地的有力指标。对不同规模的模型性能进行的测试强烈表明,在流域范围内,右鲸使用的冷水区域年际变化小且季节内变化大(即,预计每年逐年发生高额锋活动的区域)。这些指标的重要性在区域尺度上有所降低,强调了尺度与过程的耦合,因此需要在不同尺度上使用不同的预测变量。使用相关数据的不同子集建立的模型的比较显示了如何检验假设并可以探索观测数据中的潜在偏差。这样的稀有物种栖息地分析可以为更直接的调查工作提供指导,并帮助确定具有潜在生物学重要性的区域和过程。



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