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Electric Eagle Project reduces transmission line faults caused by eagles


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A joint project between Eskom, the University of Cape Town and the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) has successfully reduced line faults caused by eagles breeding on ten transmission lines in the Karoo regions of the Western and Northern Cape by at least 70%. What makes this more remarkable is that it was achieved without harming the important breeding population of eagles on these lines. Eskom field staff had long suspected that some of the faults on transmission lines in the Karoo could be related to the presence of large eagles on the transmission towers. Martial Eagles (Polemaetus bellicosus), Tawny Eagles (Aquila rapax) and Verreauxs' (Black) Eagles (Aquila verreauxii) regularly place their nests on top of transmission towers. It was suspected that the faults could be caused by long streamers of excrement, deposited by the eagles when perched at roosts or on the edge of active nests, or by the nesting material itself. According to Hein Vosloo, Eskom Servitude Specialist, approximately 40% of all line faults on transmission lines are caused by bird streamers.
机译:Eskom,开普敦大学和濒危野生动物基金会(EWT)之间的一项联合项目已成功地将西开普省和北开普省Karoo地区十条输电线路上的鹰繁殖所造成的线路故障减少了至少70%。使这一点更加引人注目的是,它的实现没有损害这些品系上重要的老鹰繁殖种群。 Eskom的现场工作人员长期以来一直怀疑,Karoo输电线路的某些故障可能与输电铁塔上存在大鹰有关。军事鹰(Polemaetus bellicosus),黄褐色的鹰(Aquila rapax)和Verreaux's(Black)的老鹰(Aquila verreauxii)经常将其巢穴放在传输塔的顶部。人们怀疑这些断层可能是由长排泄物引起的,它们是由雄鹰栖息在栖息地或活动巢的边缘时沉积的,或是由筑巢材料本身造成的。根据Eskom军备服务专家Hein Vosloo的说法,输电线路上所有线路故障的大约40%是由飞鸟引起的。



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